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17 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeEurybia avitaAlexander's Rock AsterIn shallow soils on granitic flatrocks and granitic domes where moist from seasonal seepage.Upper Piedmont endemic: w. SC to wc. GA. Previous reports from the NC Blue Ridge are based on misidentifications of E. surculosa.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia chlorolepisBlue Ridge White Heart-leaved AsterNorthern hardwood forests, spruce-fir forests.A Southern Appalachian endemic: sw. VA south through w. NC and e. TN to nw. SC and n. GA (Lamboy 1992); also reported for scattered locations in WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006), probably erroneously.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia compactaSlender AsterPine savannas, hardpan woodlands, clearings.NJ to e. GA, mainly on the Coastal Plain, but also in the lower Piedmont.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia divaricataCommon White Heart-leaved AsterMoist to fairly dry forests and woodlands.N. NH west to s. ON, sw. QC, and n. OH, south to e. NC, c. SC, n. GA, and c. AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia eryngiifoliaEryngo-leaved AsterWet pine savannas and pineland bogs.East Gulf Coastal Plain endemic: sw. GA and Panhandle FL west to se. AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia furcataForked Wood-aster, Midwestern White Heart-leaved AsterBases and ledges of moist limestone and dolomite bluffs.MI, WI, and c. IA south to nw. IN, c. IL, and s. MO.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia hemisphericaPrairie Grass-leaved Aster, Southern Pine AsterGlades, barrens, rocky woodlands.E. TN west to MO, south to nw. GA, se. GA, and FL Panhandle.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia jonesiaePiedmont Big-leaved AsterMoist forests.Endemic to the Piedmont: e. GA west to e. AL (Lee and Cherokee cos.) (Barger et al. 2023).image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia macrophyllaBig-leaved AsterMoist to dryish forests, in NC mostly at moderate to high elevations, particularly in red oak forests on ridgetops.NB and QC west to MN, south to PA, MD, VA, NC, nw. SC, ne. GA, e. TN, and IN; disjunct in scattered sites in MO and nw. AR. Known in SC from at least Greenville County (S. Tessel, pers. comm., 2023).image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia mirabilisPiedmont AsterNutrient-rich bottomlands and moist slopes in the lower Piedmont.Endemic to the lower Piedmont of NC and SC.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia paludosaSavanna Grass-leaved AsterWet pine savannas, hillside seepage bogs, longleaf pine sandhill / pocosin ecotones.An Atlantic Coastal Plain endemic: ne. NC south to se. GA and ne. FL (Nassau County).image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia radulaLow Rough AsterCircumneutral to calcareous wet meadows, possibly stream banks.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) south to DE (historically), MD, WV, and w. VA.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia saxicastelliRockcastle Wood-asterBoulder/cobble bars along the Rockcastle River.Endemic to the Cumberland Plateau region of KY and n. TN (Scott County, TN) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997)image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia schreberiSchreber's AsterMesic forests and seepage slopes.S. ME and NH south to DE, MD, sc. and w. VA, ne. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), KY, and s. IN; disjunct in WI, e. IA, and n. ILimage of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia spectabilisLow Showy AsterPine barrens, dry road banks.Coastal Plain (and rarely adjacent provinces) from MA south to SC; disjunct in AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia spinulosaApalachicola AsterLongleaf pine savannas.Endemic to Panhandle FL (Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, and Franklin counties).image of plant
AsteraceaeEurybia surculosaCreeping AsterRock outcrops, glades, rocky woodlands.A Southern Appalachian endemic: se. KY and w. VA south to w. NC, e. TN, nw. SC, and n. GA. Alleged occurrences of E. surculosa on the Coastal Plain in se. SC and e. GA are based on misidentifications of E. compacta.image of plant