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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FagaceaeFagus grandifolia var. carolinianaWhite Beech, American BeechMoist forests, from near sea level to low elevations in the Mountains, mostly below 1050 meters (3500 feet).Se. MA, OH, IN, s. IL, s. MI (?), and MO south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
FagaceaeFagus grandifolia var. grandifoliaGray Beech, Red Beech, American BeechModerate to high elevation forests, especially on high elevation ridges, gaps, and open slopes, often forming clonal dwarfed thickets in the most exposed situations.NS, NB, and s. QC west to s. ON and n. MI, south to VA, w. NC, n. GA, e. TN, and n. OH.image of plant
FagaceaeFagus sylvaticaEuropean Beech, Copper BeechRarely cultivated and sometimes long-persistent, but is not known to escape in our region.Native of Europe.image of plant

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