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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PolygonaceaeFallopia baldschuanicaSilver-lace-vine, China Fleece-vineDisturbed areas, roadsides.Native of Asia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia convolvulusBindweed, Climbing Buckwheat, Black Bindweed, Nimble-willDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia cristataCrested Climbing BuckwheatMoist to wet open habitats.MA, NY, IN, IL, MN, south to c. peninsular FL and TX.image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia dumetorumDisturbed areas, thickets.Native of Eurasia. Introduced at least as far south as scattered locations in c. and se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), WV, KY, and TN. NS and MI south to FL and TX (FNA).image of plant
PolygonaceaeFallopia scandensCommon Climbing BuckwheatMoist to wet open habitats.NS, ON and MB, south to c. peninsular FL and se. TX.image of plant