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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeGamochaeta antillanaCaribbean EverlastingPine flatwoods, disturbed areas, fields, lawns.VA south to s. FL, west to AR and TX; Cuba; South America; Europe (introduced); New Zealand (introduced).image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta argentinaDisturbed areas, waste areas near wool-combing mill, presumably merely a waif.Native of Argentina and Uruguay.image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta argyrineaSilvery CudweedDisturbed areas, roadsides, fields, lawns.DE, MD, WV, KY, s. MO, se. KS, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta calvicepsNarrow-leaf Purple EverlastingDisturbed areas, roadsides.VA south to FL, west to TX; South America, California (introduced); Europe (introduced), New Zealand (introduced).image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta chionesthesWhite-cloaked CudweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Apparently not known from outside the se. United States (Freire et al. 2024).image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta impatiensElegant CudweedSandy roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of South America.image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta pensylvanicaPennsylvania EverlastingFields, roadsides, pastures, disturbed areas.Probably native of South America. PA south to s. FL, west to TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain, and widespread in South America and elsewhere.image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta purpureaSpoonleaf Purple EverlastingPrairies, woodlands, fields, roadsides, pastures, disturbed areas.ME west to MI, south to s. FL and e. TX; apparently disjunct in CA and OR, adventive in w. US, Mexico, South America, and elsewhere.image of plant
AsteraceaeGamochaeta simplicicaulisSingle-stemmed EverlastingDisturbed areas, roadsides.Apparently native of South America.image of plant