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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CystopteridaceaeGymnocarpium appalachianumAppalachian Oak FernMoist, rocky forests, at medium to high elevations.Endemic to the c. and s. Appalachians (known from ne. WV, nw. VA, sc. PA, and disjunct in nw. NC and OH).image of plant
CystopteridaceaeGymnocarpium dryopterisNorthern Oak FernMoist, rocky forests, southwards at medium to high elevations.Circumboreal, occurring throughout northern and central Eurasia, Greenland, south in North America to MD (?), e. WV, s. PA, OH, MI, IL, IA, w. SD, CO, n. NM, c. AZ, and OR.image of plant

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