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6 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaeHedeoma acinoidesSlender HedeomaIn shallow soils over limestone.Sc. TX, e. Edwards Plateau, and Lampasas Cutplain, also e. and se. Coastal Plain of TX.
LamiaceaeHedeoma drummondii var. drummondiiDrummond's HedeomaBlackland prairies.MN and MT south to TX, n. Mexico, and CA; disjunct eastward in MS and AL.
LamiaceaeHedeoma hispidaRough Pennyroyal, Mock PennyroyalPrairies, Disturbed areas, pastures, barrens, granitic flatrocks, especially in exposed, thin soil; apparently adventive eastwards in the eastern portions of our area from farther west, but the native distribution unclear.BC and NM east to ME, MA, PA, VA, NC, SC, and GA. Irving (1980) shows H. hispida east to e. Panhandle FL, c. AL, nc. TN, and s. OH; some of the scattered records further east are adventive. It may be recently arrived farther east or was previously overlooked. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997).image of plant
LamiaceaeHedeoma pulegioidesAmerican PennyroyalDry soils of woodlands, roadbanks, woods-roads, especially common in shaly parts of the mountains.NS, s. QC, s. ON, MI, WI, and IA south to c. SC, c. GA, and AR.image of plant
LamiaceaeHedeoma reverchoniiReverchon's Pennyroyal, Rock HedeomaCalcareous outcrops.Sw. AR and s. OK south to se. and c. TX.
LamiaceaeHedeoma serpyllifoliaThyme-leaf Pennyroyal, Thyme-leaf HedeomaOpen, calcareous outcrops.C. TX.

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