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14 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeHelenium amarumBitterweedRoadsides, overgrazed pastures, urban areas; in much of our area an introduction from farther west.Apparently native to e. and c. TX; now widespread in e. North America.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium autumnaleCommon SneezeweedMoist pastures, forests, woodlands, forest edges.QC west to BC, south to n. peninsular FL, TX, and CA.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium badiumBason SneezeweedOpen areas; eastwards as a waif in waste areas around a wool-combing mill (Nesom 2004d).Native of OK, TX, and Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium brevifoliumShortleaf SneezeweedSeepage bogs, river-scoured cobble bars.H. brevifolium has a peculiar distribution, reaching its greatest abundance on the Gulf Coastal Plain, from Panhandle FL west to e. LA, and occurring at widely scattered disjunct sites in c. and n. AL, wc. GA, c. and w. NC, ec. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and sw. and se. VA.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium campestreArkansas SneezeweedPrairies, streamsides, wet woodlands, fields, ditches.N. AR south to nw. LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium drummondiiFringed SneezeweedDitches.W. LA west to e. TX. Reported as well for e. LA and MS (Kartesz 2010); not so reported in Kartesz (2015, 2020). Reported for FL (without locality (Wunderlin, Hansen, & Franck 2020).image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium elegansCalcareous soils, ditches, washes, along streams; eastwards in waste areas around wool-combing mill, perhaps only a waif.Sw. AR and s. OK south to sc. TX. See Nesom (2004d).image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium flexuosumSouthern SneezeweedMoist pastures, moist forests, riverbanks, wet pine rocklands (in s. FL).S. ME west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and TX; disjunct in s. FL.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium linifoliumSlimleaf SneezeweedSandy soils, ditches, pastures.Endemic to s. TX.
AsteraceaeHelenium microcephalumSmallhead SneezeweedDitches, washes, eastwards as a waif in waste areas around wool-combing mills (Nesom 2004d).Native of OK, TX, NM, CO, and Mex.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium pinnatifidumSavanna SneezeweedWet pine savannas and adjacent ditches.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: se. NC south to s. FL, west to Panhandle FL, sw. GA, and s. AL.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium quadridentatumMoist soils of pond edges, streambanks, and ditches.AL west to TX, south to Mexico and Central America; Cuba. The occurrence in SC reported by Rydberg (1915), Small (1933), and Kartesz (1999) is likely an introduction.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium vernaleWet pine savannas and adjacent ditches.Se. NC south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and west to e. LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeHelenium virginicumVirginia SneezeweedSeasonal sinkhole ponds and clearings where such ponds once occurred.H. virginicum is bimodally endemic in VA (Augusta and Rockingham counties, VA, where a series of sinkhole ponds (dolines) on acid colluvium support numerous Coastal Plain disjuncts) and MO (Ozarkian highlands); also recently discovered in IN.image of plant

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