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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeHeliopsis gracilisSmooth Oxeye, Pineywoods Oxeye, Coastal Plain Sunflower-everlasting, Coastal Plain OxeyeMoist calcareous forests, loess bluffs, beech-magnolia forests, mesic hammocks.Se. SC (Berkeley, Dorchester, and Charleston counties) south to GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and Panhandle FL, and west to LA (Thomas & Allen 1996) and se. AR.image of plant
AsteraceaeHeliopsis helianthoides var. helianthoidesEastern Sunflower-everlasting, Eastern OxeyeBottomland and moist forests, woodlands, woodland borders.VT, ON, and WI south to GA and LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeHeliopsis helianthoides var. scabraWestern Sunflower-everlasting, Rough Oxeye, Western OxeyePrairies, open forests and woodlands, woodland borders.NL (Newfoundland) and SK south to VA, WV, KY, GA, LA, TX, and NM.image of plant