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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CrassulaceaeHylotelephium erythrostictumGarden Orpine, Live-for-everDisturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
CrassulaceaeHylotelephium telephioidesAllegheny Live-for-everRock outcrops, mostly at high to moderate elevations, ascending to 2000 m.Essentially a Central and Southern Appalachian endemic, H. telephioides ranges from s. PA south to w. NC, with a few outlying populations to the west in s. IL, s. IN, and w. KY. The species is apparently not known from TN.image of plant
CrassulaceaeHylotelephium telephiumLive-for-everDisturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant