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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HypericaceaeHypericum adpressumBog St. John's-wort, Creeping St. John's-wortBoggy depressions.E. MA south to sw. GA in the Coastal Plain; disjunct inland in e. WV (Greenbrier County), IN, IL, and sc. TN. Records from the Kentucky Coastal Plain (Ballard and McCracken counties) were based on misidentified specimens (T. Littlefield, pers.comm., 2021). See discussion on its habitats and rarity in Sorrie (1998b).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum androsaemumSweet-amber, TutsanOld fields, disturbed areas (commonly cultivated).Native of Eurasia. Reported for e. MD (Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp 2016).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum apocynifoliumMesic bluffs and ravines, ridges and natural levees in floodplains.C. GA, s. GA, and Panhandle FL west to se. AR and e. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum borealeDwarf St. John's-wort, Northern St. John's-wortSinkhole ponds in the Mountains, interdune ponds in the outer Coastal Plain, boggy places.NL (Newfoundland) and QC west to w. ON, south to VA, nw. NC (?), OH, IN, and n. IL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum brachyphyllumPonds and wet pine flatwoods.Se. SC south to n. FL, west to s. MS and e. LA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum buckleyiGranite Dome St. John's-wortThin soil in seasonal seepage around rock outcrops, particularly granitic exfoliation domes.Sw. NC south to nw. SC and ne. GA, a Southern Appalachian endemic.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum calycinumAaron’s-beardDisturbed areas, persistent and rarely naturalized from plantings.Native of se. Europe and Asia Minor. Naturalized in Knox County, TN (D. Estes, pers. comm., 2012).
HypericaceaeHypericum canadenseCanada St. John's-wortBogs, pine savannas, ditches.NL (Newfoundland) and QC west to MN, south to s. GA, ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and MS; also in Holland and Ireland, where considered by some to be nativeimage of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum chapmaniiApalachicola St. John's-wort, Tree St. John's-wortMargins of pond-cypress ponds, pond-cypress stringers, often growing with Cyrilla parvifolia and Nyssa ursina.Endemic to Panhandle FL (11 counties).
HypericaceaeHypericum cistifoliumPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods.E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum crux-andreaeSt. Andrew's Cross, St. Peter's-wortPine flatwoods, pine savannas, bogs, seeps, mesic to dryish forests and woodlands.NY (Long Island) and NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but scattered inland to w. NC and n. GA, also north in the interior to c. TN, s. KY, c. AR, and se. OK.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum cumulicolaHighlands Scrub St. John’s-wortFlorida scrub.Endemic to c. peninsular FL (Highlands and Polk counties).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum densiflorumMountain Bushy St. John's-wortBogs, streambanks, dry to moist forests, rock outcrops, moist forests, pine savannas.Sw. PA south to n. GA and c. AL in and near the Mountains; NY (Long Island) and NJ south to SC in the Coastal Plain; s. GA west to AL in the Coastal Plain.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum denticulatumStrict St. John's-wortWet pine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, adjacent ditches, borrow scrapes, blackwater stream shores.Se. NY (Long Island) and s. NJ south to e. GA (McIntosh County) (Sorrie 1998b) on the Coastal Plain; disjunct inland in c. and w. NC, sc. TN, and in s. AL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum dissimulatumDeceptive St.-John's-wortSaturated sandy or peaty soils.ME south to se. VA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum dolabriformeGlade St. John's-wortLimestone glades and barrens.In nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and e. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997); this species should be sought in sw. VA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum drummondiiDrummond's St. John's-wort, Nits-and-liceDry woodlands, woodland borders, fields.MD west to OH, IL, and se. KS, south to Panhandle FL and c. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum edisonianumEdison’s St. John’s-wortFlatwoods ponds, Florida prairies, wet pine flatwoods.Endemic to c. and s. peninsular FL (Polk, Highlands, DeSoto, Glades, and Collier counties).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum ellipticumPale St. John's-wortSwamp forests, wet places along streams, wet meadows.NL (Newfoundland) and NS west to w. ON, south to NY, DE, MI, and MN, and in the mountains to WV, NC (?), and ne. TN (Johnson County) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and NC (?). The documentation for Cronquist’s (1991) attribution of H. ellipticum to NC is unknown.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum erythreaeGeorgia St. John's-wort, Sparse-leaved St. John’s-wort, Grit St. John’s-wortSeepage bogs, roadside ditches.Apparently nearly endemic to the Altamaha Grit region of the GA Coastal Plain, extending to Beaufort County, SC (Allison 2011). See https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/89825586 for potential occurrence in Seminole County, GA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum exilePine flatwoods.Endemic to Panhandle FL (Bay, Franklin, Gulf, Liberty, and Washington counties).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum fasciculatumPeelbark St. John's-wortWet pine savannas, beaver ponds, upland depression ponds.E. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS and e. LA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum frondosumGolden St. John's-wort, Cedar Glade St. John's-wortRock outcrops and rocky woodlands; also in dry disturbed areas.S. IN and KY south to GA, AL, and e. MS; W. LA and e. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum galioidesWet pine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, pools, edges of bottomlands.Se. VA (Isle of Wight County) and e. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to s. AR and se. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum gentianoidesPineweed, Orange-grass, OrangeweedFields, rock outcrops, woodland borders, eroding areas, pond margins, pine flatwoods.ME and ON west to MN, south to s. FL and TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum graveolensMountain St. John's-wortGrassy balds, grassy openings, forests, at high elevations (1200 m or more).Nw. NC and ne. TN south to sw. NC, a Southern Appalachian endemic.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum gymnanthumClasping-leaf St. John's-wortPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, sinkhole ponds (Augusta and Rockingham counties, VA), other wet to moist habitats.S. NJ south to ne. FL, Panhandle FL, west to c. TX, and scattered inland in PA, WV, sc. TN, OH, IN, IL, MO, and e. KS; also disjunct in Guatemala (introduced?). Added to the flora of KY in 2013 by Martina Hines (Littlefield 2014).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum harperiHarper's St. John's-wortClay-based Carolina bays, other upland depression ponds, with Taxodium ascendens.E. and c. SC south to sw. GA and e. Panhandle FL and se. AL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum humifusumTrailing St. John's-wortWaif from horticultural use.Native of w. Europe.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum hypericoidesSt. Andrew's CrossDry forests and woodlands.NJ, w. VA, c. KY, se. MO, and c. OK, south to s. FL and e. TX; West Indies; Mexico south to n. Central America.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum interiorInterior Bushy St. John's-wortRocky forests, riverbanks, seeps, especially over limestone or dolostone.Sw. VA, e. and c. TN, nw. GA south to c. AL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum limosumCuban St. John's-wortCalcareous savannas and flatwoods.Peninsular FL; w. Cuba.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum lissophloeusMargins of sinkhole ponds.Endemic to Panhandle FL (Bay and Washington counties).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum lloydiiLloyd's St. John's-wortDry woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills, edges of granitic flatrocks, edges of Altamaha Grit outcrops, roadbanks.Sc. VA (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008) south to c. AL, mainly in the lower Piedmont and upper Coastal Plain.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum lobocarpumFive-lobe St. John’s-wortMesic prairies, pine flatwoods, stream banks, river scour; also roadsides and ditches through these habitats.C. KY, c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997) and s. MS west to s. IL, se. OK, and e. TX. Credited to SC by Robson (1996), based on specimens debated and dismissed by Adams (1973). The basis for attribution of H. lobocarpum to "Blue Ridge, N.C." by Small (1933) is unknown.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum majusWet meadows and shores.NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to s. NJ, n. DE, nw. PA (Rhoads & Block 2007), OH, IN, IL, MO, OK, CO, and OR (Kartesz 1999).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum microsepalumFlatwoods St. John’s-wortMoist to wet pine flatwoods.S. GA and se. AL (Houston County) south to Panhandle FL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum mitchellianumBlue Ridge St. John’s-wortGrassy balds, grassy openings, forests, seepages, at moderate to high elevations (generally at 1000-1900 m or more).W. VA, e. WV, and e. TN south to sw. NC, a Southern Appalachian endemic.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum mutilum var. latisepalumSouthern Dwarf St. John’s-wortMarshes and other wet habitats.Se. SC south to s. FL, west to TX. Fernald (1950) considers this taxon to be north to NJ.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum mutilum var. mutilumCommon Dwarf St. John’s-wortBogs, fens, marshes, shores, other wet habitats.NL (Newfoundland) and QC west to MB, south to s. FL and c. TX; scattered (probably as an adventive) farther west in North America, in Mexico, Central and South America, and Europe.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum myrtifoliumMyrtle-leaf St. John’s-wortPonds.Se. SC south to s. FL, west to se. MS, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic. Small (1933) reported this species from SC; this distribution is now documented by a specimen from Jasper Co., SC (P. McMillan, pers. comm.).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum nitidumUsually in flowing water of blackwater streams.C. SC south to Panhandle FL, west to sw. AL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum nudiflorumStreambanks, moist forests, swamps.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL, west to e. TX, s. AR, and se. OK; disjunct in Cumberland Plateau of TN.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum paucifoliumFew-flowered St. John's-wortDry prairies on sand.Se. TX south to ne. Mexico.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum perforatumEuropean St. John’s-wort, Klamath-weedFields, pastures, roadsides, woodland borders.Native of Europe. See Duncan (1985) for documentation for GA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum prolificumShrubby St. John’s-wortBogs, seepages, dry rocky forests, rock outcrops, riverside prairies.NY west to s. MI and MN, south to GA, LA, and e. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum pseudomaculatumLarge Spotted St. John’s-wortWet, moist, or dry forests and fields.SC south to Panhandle FL, west to TX, north in the interior to e. TN (?), c. IL, s. MO, and c. OK. {records east of the Ozarks need to be studied more carefully}image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum punctatumSpotted St. John's-wortFields, woodland borders.QC west to MN, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum pyramidatumAmerican Great St. John's-wortSwamps, bottomlands, wet meadows.QC west to MN, south to s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), MD (Robson 2000; but excluded based on no specimen), and WV (Harmon, Ford-Werntz, & Grafton 2006).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum radfordiorumRadfords' St. John's-wort, Brushy Mountain St. John’s-wortShallow circumneutral soil mats of granitic domes in the Brushy Mountains.Endemic to the Brushy Mountains of Alexander and Wilkes counties, NC.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum setosumHairy St. John’s-wortPine savannas, wet pine flatwoods, boggy areas, adjacent ditches, fireplow lines, and scrapes.Se. VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum species 2Wet loamy longleaf pine savannas.Endemic to wet pine savannas in the outer Coastal Plain of NC.
HypericaceaeHypericum sphaerocarpumBarrens St. John's-wort, Roundfruit St. John's-wortLimestone glades and barrens, prairies.C. OH, s. MI, s. WI, IA, and se. NE south through KY, e. and c. TN (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), to nw. GA (GAHP 2003), c. AL, c. MS, LA, and ne. TX; also reported for sw. PA, where considered adventive (Rhoads & Klein 1993).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum stragulumLow St. John’s-wort, Straggling St. John’s-wortDry rocky or sandy woodlands.MA (Nantucket Island), NY (Long Island), west to s. PA, s. OH, s. IN, s. IL, c. MO, se. KS, and c. OK, south to ne. NC, c. SC, c. GA, n. AL, n. MS, n. LA, and c. TX.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum suffruticosumPineland St. John's-wortPine savannas and flatwoods.Se. NC south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. LA.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum tenuifoliumSandhill St. John's-wortPine flatwoods, pine savannas, longleaf pine sandhills.Se. NC south to s. peninsular FL; Panhandle FL and se. AL.image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum tetrapetalumWet pinelands and in depressional wetlands (open or dominated by Taxodium ascendens).E. GA (within a few counties of se. SC), south to s. FL, west to Panhandle FL; Cuba. Reports from SC are based on misidentifications (K. Bradley, pers.comm., 2021).image of plant
HypericaceaeHypericum virgatumCoppery St. John’s-wortHardpan woodlands, rock outcrops, woodland borders, glades and barrens (especially over mafic or ultramafic rocks).MD west to s. OH, s. IN, and s. IL, south to c. NC, c. SC, sw. GA, Panhandle FL, s. MS, and se. LA.image of plant