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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AmaranthaceaeIresine diffusaJudas-bushHammocks, disturbed areas.Ne. FL, Panhandle FL, south to s. FL. Reported for NC by Small (1933), so far as is known in error.image of plant
AmaranthaceaeIresine palmeriPalmer's BloodleafPalm woodlands.S. TX (Cameron County) and ne. Mexico (HGO, NLE, SLP, TAM, VER).
AmaranthaceaeIresine rhizomatosaBloodleafMoist interdune thickets, hammocks, edges of maritime forests, moist thickets inland, floodplain forests, riverbanks and river scour, bluff forests of the Coastal Plain.MD south to FL, west to se. TX; also inland from KY and TN west and south to KS and n. TX.image of plant

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