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6 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha catharticaBerlandier's Nettle-Spurge, JicamillaSaline flats.S. TX, ne. Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SON, TAM).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha curcasBarbados Nut, Nutmeg Plant, Physic Nut, Purging NutDisturbed areas.Native of Central America.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha dioica var. dioicaLeatherstem, Sangre de Draco, Sangregado, Rubber PlantDry sandy areas, rocky limestone bluffs, scrub.S. TX and ne. Mexico.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha gossypiifoliaBellyache Bush, Tatto BushDisturbed areas.Nativ of tropical America, now widely distributed in the New World and Old World tropics.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha integerrimaPeregrinaDisturbed areas.Native of the West Indies.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeJatropha multifidaCoralbush, French-physicDisturbed pine flatwoods, disturbed areas, escaped from cultivation.Native of the Neotropics.image of plant

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