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6 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
JuglandaceaeJuglans ×bixbyiBixby's Walnot, BuartnutForests.This taxon is a hybrid of a North American and an Asian species.
JuglandaceaeJuglans ailantifoliaJapanese WalnutSuburban woodlands.Native of Japan.image of plant
JuglandaceaeJuglans cinereaButternut, White WalnutMoist, nutrient-rich forests.NB west to MN, south to n. GA and AR.image of plant
JuglandaceaeJuglans major var. majorArizona WalnutIn riparian areas along streams.Ec. and nc. TX west to sw. UT and n. AZ, south to Mexico (CHH, DUR, SIN, and SON).image of plant
JuglandaceaeJuglans nigraBlack WalnutMoist, nutrient-rich forests of floodplains and slopes, calcareous hammocks.MA west to MN, south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
JuglandaceaeJuglans regiaEnglish WalnutWaif from ornamental use.Native of eastern Europe west to c. Asia.image of plant