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5 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ZygophyllaceaeKallstroemia californicaMesquite savannas, other flat, sandy areas, especially disturbed.Se., s., and w. TX, NM, UT, s. NV, and CA south to n. and c. Mexico.
ZygophyllaceaeKallstroemia hirsutissimaCarpetweedGrasslands and scrub.E. TX, NM, and s. AZ south to n. Mexico.
ZygophyllaceaeKallstroemia maximaGreater CaltropDisturbed areas, dunes; native status uncertain, probably native in FL peninsula, but probably early introduced in more northern parts of our area from the Neotropics.SC south to FL; West Indies; Mexico (Sinaloa and Tamaulipas) south through Central America to northern South America (Venezuela, Colombia). The native status of this species in the se. United States is uncertain; early collections from Charleston (Stephen Elliott) and Savannah suggest the probability of early introduction via ballast, at least north of the FL peninsula.image of plant
ZygophyllaceaeKallstroemia parvifloraTexas CaltropPrairies, roadsides, other disturbed areas.KS west to NV, south through TX, NM, and AZ to Mexico.; also introduced eastward, as in MS and nw. LA (MacRoberts & MacRoberts 2011a).image of plant
ZygophyllaceaeKallstroemia pubescensCaribbean CaltropDisturbed areas, apparently a waif, not collected in our area since 1898.Native of tropical America.image of plant