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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
KrameriaceaeKrameria lanceolataTrailing Ratany, Prairie-bur, Sandspur, KrameriaLongleaf pine sandhills (in GA and FL), westwards (in KS, OK, and TX) in rocky, sandy, or gravelly prairies.OK, TX, and s. KS west to se. CO, se. AZ, Mexico (7 states); disjunct eastward in the Coastal Plain of Panhandle FL, peninsular FL, and GA (east to Bulloch, Bryan, Evans, and Emanuel counties).
KrameriaceaeKrameria ramosissimaRatany, Agarito, CalderonaThornscrub.S. TX and w. TX south to Mexico (7 states).

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