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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EriocaulaceaeLachnocaulon ancepsCommon BogbuttonsMoist to dry sands, moist peats, in pinelands, sometimes locally abundant in open disturbed areas where competition has been removed.S. NJ south to s. FL, west to se. TX; rarely disjunct inland off the Coastal Plain, as in ec. TN; West Indies (Cuba).image of plant
EriocaulaceaeLachnocaulon beyrichianumSouthern BogbuttonScrubby flatwoods, flatwoods, upper margins of Coastal Plain doline ponds (sometimes under scrub oaks).Se. NC south to Panhandle FL and s. peninsular FL.image of plant
EriocaulaceaeLachnocaulon digynumPineland BogbuttonHillside seepage bogs, wet pine savannas.Panhandle FL (east to Liberty and Franklin counties) and s. AL west to s. MS; disjunct west of the Mississippi River in w. LA and extreme e. TX.image of plant
EriocaulaceaeLachnocaulon engleriEngler’s BogbuttonPondshores, pine savannas.N. FL peninsula south to s. FL; Panhandle FL and s. AL.image of plant
EriocaulaceaeLachnocaulon minusBrown BogbuttonUpper margins of Coastal Plain doline ponds, other pineland situations, ditches through wet pine savannas, wet 'scrapes'.E. NC south to s. peninsular FL, west to Panhandle FL and se. AL.image of plant

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