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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeLactuca biennisTall Blue Lettuce, Blue Wood LettucePastures, roadsides, forest edges, thickets.NL (Labrador) and AK south to NC, TN, IA, CO, UT, and CA.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca canadensisAmerican Wild LettuceFields, roadsides, disturbed ground.NS and BC south to n. peninsular FL, TX, and CA.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca floridanaWoodland LettuceMesic and dry-mesic forests.NY, MB and MN south to s. FL and TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca graminifolia var. graminifoliaCoastal Plain LettuceMesic to dry-mesic pine-oak woodlands and forests, longleaf pine sandhills, sandy fields, and sandy roadsides.E. NC south to s. FL, west to c. LA; disjunct in s. NJ.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca hirsutaRed Wood LettuceDry, sandy or rocky woodlands, forest edges.NS and ON south to s. GA and e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca ludovicianaLouisiana LettuceFields, roadsides, mesic forests.MB and BC, south to IN, KY, LA, TX, and CA.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca salignaWillowleaf LettuceFields, roadsides, disturbed ground, perhaps associated with circumneutral soils.Native of Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca sativaGarden LettuceCultivated throughout our area in home gardens and commercially, rarely weakly persistent, common as a cultivated plant, rare as a short-lived waif.Native of w. Asia.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca serriolaPrickly LettuceRoadsides, disturbed ground, pastures.Native of Eurasia.image of plant
AsteraceaeLactuca virosaBitter LettuceDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. Reported for DC and AL (Kartesz 1999; Kartesz 2015; FNA19); no specimens have been seen that document this distribution.