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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeLilaeopsis carolinensisCarolina Lilaeopsis, Carolina StrapwortFreshwater marshes, pondshores and lakeshores, ditches, interdune ponds, shores of brackish to freshwater estuarine sounds and rivers.Se. VA south to FL and west to e. TX (Hatch & Slack 2008); it is also found in South America (Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay).image of plant
ApiaceaeLilaeopsis chinensisMarsh Lilaeopsis, Tidal Strapwort, Fiddler-crab TurfBrackish and freshwater tidal marshes, especially in mud-flats in the intertidal zone, associated with Schoenoplectus pungens and other brackish marsh dominants.NS south to c. peninsular FL and west to se. TX (Brown & Marcus 1998).image of plant

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