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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaeLycopus Ă—sherardiiSwamps, bogs, roadsides.Scattered in the eastern US where the ranges of the two parents overlap, apparently resulting in large hybrid swarms in some areas (see Henderson 1962)
LamiaceaeLycopus americanusAmerican BugleweedMarshes, bottomlands.NL (Newfoundland) west to BC, south to FL Panhandle and CA.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus amplectensClasping Water-horehoundClay-based Carolina bays, other moist habitats.MA south to ne. FL; disjunct inland around the Great Lakes and (allegedly) in w. NC.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus angustifoliusNarrowleaf Bugleweed, Southern Bog Water-horehoundBogs, marshes, natural lake shorelines.Se. VA south to FL, west to e. TX, north in the interior to s. TN and s. MO.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus cokeriCoker's Bugleweed, Carolina BugleweedPocosins, boggy streamheads, seepage bogs.Endemic to the Fall-line Sandhill region of sc. NC and SCimage of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus europaeusGypsywort, European BugleweedTidal marshes and shores, other marshes, ditches.Native of Europe. In the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River regions, hybrid swarms involving L. americanus and L. europaeus are numerous (Webber & Ball 1980), however, to date there is no evidence that these species have hybridized within the Flora region.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus glandulosusSeepages, bogs, floodplains, creekbanks, ditches, on floating logs in ponds.Endemic to the West Gulf Coastal Plain of sw. AR, nw. LA, and ne. TX.
LamiaceaeLycopus rubellusStalked BugleweedMarshes, swamp forests, bottomlands.ME west to MI, south to FL and TX.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus uniflorusNorthern BugleweedBogs, seeps, wet forests.NL (Newfoundland) west to AK, south to w. NC, AR, and CA.image of plant
LamiaceaeLycopus virginicusVirginia BugleweedSwamps, bottomlands, tidal marshes, other wet habitats.MA west to PA, s. IN, MO, and OK, south to n. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and e. TX.image of plant