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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
MalvaceaeMelochia corchorifoliaChocolate-weedSandy fields, especially in low, wet places.Native of the Old World tropics.image of plant
MalvaceaeMelochia nodifloraDisturbed uplands.Native of the Neotropics.
MalvaceaeMelochia pyramidata var. pyramidataPyramid-flower, Anglepod Melochia, Smooth MelochiaDisturbed areas.S. FL; West Indies; LA and TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America.image of plant
MalvaceaeMelochia spicata var. spicataBretonica-peludaCalcareous pine flatwoods, disturbed areas.Probably native in peninsular FL, and widely distributed in tropical America, the original distribution somewhat uncertain.image of plant
MalvaceaeMelochia tomentosa var. tomentosaTeabush, Woolly Pyramidbush, Velvety Melochia, BroomwoodPine rocklands (FL), open subtropical woodlands and brushlands (TX).S. FL (where perhaps extirpated); West Indies; s. Texas, Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant