Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum aquaticum | Parrot-feather | Ditches, slow-moving rivers, pools, ponds. | Native of South America. An introduced species now widespread in se. United States, north to NY, WV, and MO. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum farwellii | Farwell's Water-milfoil | Submersed in ponds, lakes, and slow streams. | NS and QC and MB south to NY (Long Island), ne. PA, s. WI, and c. MN. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum heterophyllum | Southern Water-milfoil | Ditches, slow-moving waters of rivers and streams, pools, ponds, springs. | NY west to ON and MN, south to FL, TX, and Mexico. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum humile | Low Water-milfoil | Millponds, other artificial ponds, slow-moving water of streams. | NS west to MN, south to DE, MD, VA, and IL. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum laxum | Loose Water-milfoil | Limesink depression ponds (dolines), spring-runs, rarely also in lakes. | Se. VA south to n. FL, s. AL, s. MS (Sorrie & Leonard 1999), and e. LA (Reid et al. 2021). Documented for VA by a 1922 specimen from Princess Anne County at GH (Sorrie, pers. comm.). |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum pinnatum | Alternate-leaved Water-milfoil, Cutleaf Water-milfoil, Green Parrot's-feather | Pools, ditches, ponds. | NB, VT, and MA west to IA and SD, south to GA and TX. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum sibiricum | Common Water-milfoil | Quiet circumneutral to alkaline waters. | NL (Labrador) west to AK, south to MD, IL, MO, NM, and CA; also in n. Eurasia. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum spicatum | Eurasian Water-milfoil | Ponds and impoundments. | Native of Eurasia. Easily confused with M. sibiricum, M. spicatum is an introduced species, now widespread in e. United States. Reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997). |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum tenellum | Leafless Water-milfoil | Natural lakes (Carolina bay lakes), typically growing on the sandy bottoms in water 1-2 meters deep. | NL (Newfoundland) west to MN, south to PA and NJ, and disjunct south to a few occurrences in NC; the report from Virginia Beach, VA is false. |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum verticillatum | Whorled Water-milfoil | Quiet waters. | A circumboreal species, south in North America to DE, MD, n. WV, IN, NE, TX, and CA. |