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11 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeNabalus albusNorthern Rattlesnake-rootForests, especially over calcareous substrates.ME west to MB, south to ne. NC, w. NC, WV, MO, and n. AR. Reports of N. albus from the Coastal Plain of NC and perhaps VA are based on P. alba ssp. pallida, which is invalidly published; additionally, specimens attributed to this taxon appear to belong to P. trifoliolata.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus altissimusTall Rattlesnake-rootForests.NL (Newfoundland) west to MI, south to GA, LA, and AR.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus asperRough Rattlesnake-rootPrairies, glades, and barrens, limestone woodlands.PA, OH, WI, MN, and SD south to c. TN, MS, LA, and OK. Discovered in AL (D. Estes, pers.comm. 2021).image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus autumnalisSlender Rattlesnake-rootPocosins, pine savannas, forest edges.NJ south to ne. FL, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus barbatusBarbed Rattlesnake-root, Flatwoods Rattlesnake-root, Prairie Lion’s-footLimestone glades, calcareous barrens, and calcareous oak flatwoods.C. TN (Western Highland Rim) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), nw. GA, and n. AL west to se. AR, e. TX and w. LA.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus crepidineusMidwestern Rattlesnake-rootBottomland forests, rich mesic forests, moist to dryish woodlands, prairies, barrens.W. NY MI s. WI, and se. MN south to sc. PA, e. WV, sw. VA, e. KY, e. TN, and s. AR.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus cylindricusCylindrical Rattlesnake-root, Appalachian Rattlesnake-rootMountain forests, grassy balds, at moderate to high elevations.Sw. VA south to w. NC and e. TN.
AsteraceaeNabalus racemosusGlaucous Rattlesnake-rootFens.NL west to BC, south to n. NJ, w. PA, n. KY, s. IL, s. MO, CO, and BC.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus roanensisRoan Rattlesnake-rootMountain forests, grassy balds, at high elevations.W. NC and e. TN.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus serpentariaLion's-foot, Gall-of-the-earthForests.MA south to GA, ne. FL, Panhandle FL, and MS.image of plant
AsteraceaeNabalus trifoliolatusGall-of-the-earthForests.NL (Newfoundland) south to e. NC, n. GA, and TN.image of plant

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