Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Asteraceae | Packera ×memmingeri | Memminger's Ragwort | Granite domes, usually with both its parents in the vicinity -- P. anonyma × millefolium. | Sw. NC and nw. SC. | |
Asteraceae | Packera anonyma | Appalachian Ragwort, Small's Ragwort | Rock outcrops, roadsides, woodlands; hammocks, disturbed areas. | S. PA, DE, and KY, south to Panhandle FL and c. MS. First reported for LA in Caddo Parsh by Kelley (2020). |
Asteraceae | Packera antennariifolia | Shalebarren Groundsel, Shalebarren Ragwort | Shale barrens and shale woodlands. | Sc. PA and w. MD south to w. VA and e. WV. |
Asteraceae | Packera aurea | Golden Groundsel, Golden Ragwort, Heartleaf Ragwort | Moist forests, bottomlands, bogs, stream banks. | NL (Labrador) west to MN, south to NC, ne. SC, n. GA, n. AL, and c. AR; disjunct in Panhandle FL. |
Asteraceae | Packera crawfordii | Crawford's Groundsel, Crawford’s Ragwort | Bogs, fens, calcareous longleaf pine savannas. | NJ, PA, and n. IL south to e. NC, w. NC, and TN. |
Asteraceae | Packera dubia | Woolly Groundsel, Woolly Ragwort, Woolly Goldenwort | Sandy roadsides, sandy woodlands and forests, granitic flatrocks, granitic domes. | S. NJ south to GA, west to TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain, but extending inland in the Piedmont and Mountains in thin sandy soils around rock outcrops, and as a roadside weed. |
Asteraceae | Packera glabella | Butterweed, Smooth Ragwort, Smooth Groundsel, Yellowtop | Swamp forests, bottomland forests, cleared areas in bottomlands, wet agricultural fields, ditches, often in mucky soils. | E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX, north in the interior to sw. WV, OH, MO, and SD. |
Asteraceae | Packera millefolium | Blue Ridge Groundsel, Yarrowleaf Groundsel, Blue Ridge Ragwort, Yarrowleaf Ragwort | Granitic domes, cliffs, and rocky woodlands, over granite, gneiss, schist, and amphibolite, and (in sw. VA) in calcareous glades and woodlands. | Endemic to sw. NC, nw. SC, and ne. GA; disjunct in sw. VA (Lee Co.). |
Asteraceae | Packera obovata | Roundleaf Groundsel, Roundleaf Ragwort, Running Ragwort | Nutrient rich forests and woodlands (dry or moist), usually over calcareous or mafic rocks. | VT west to KS, south to Panhandle FL and TX. |
Asteraceae | Packera paupercula var. appalachiana | Appalachian Groundsel, Appalachian Ragwort | Glades, cliffs, barrens, over mafic, or calcareous rocks. | E. WV and w. VA south to w. NC and e. TN. |
Asteraceae | Packera paupercula var. paupercula | Northern Meadow Groundsel, Balsam Ragwort | Thickets, meadows, glades, generally over circumneutral soils derived from calcareous or mafic rocks. | NL (Labrador) west to AK, south to GA, Panhandle FL (Bay County), AL, and OR. |
Asteraceae | Packera paupercula var. pseudotomentosa | Ozark Groundsel, Ozark Ragwort | Dry bluffy woods over limestone, limestone cliffs and talus slopes. | Midwestern. |
Asteraceae | Packera plattensis | Prairie Groundsel, Prairie Ragwort | Thin calcareous soils. | N. OH, n. IN, IL, WI, MN, ON, MB, SK, and BC south to w. LA, TX, and NM. |
Asteraceae | Packera pseudaurea var. semicordata | Western Golden Groundsel, Western Golden Ragwort | Bottomland prairies, bottomland forests, ravines. | ON and MB south to s. IN, IL, s. MO, se. KS, and w. NE. |
Asteraceae | Packera schweinitziana | New England Groundsel, New England Ragwort | Grassy balds (in deep soil) at high elevations (over metagabbro or amphibolite), serpentine barrens at mid-elevation. | NS and QC south to n. NY; disjunct to a few locations in w. NC and e. TN, notably on grassy balds on Roan Mountain (Grassy Ridge, Round Bald, Big Yellow Mountain, etc.), Snake Mountain, Rich Mountain, and Big Bald, and also at the Buck Creek Serpentine Barren (Clay County, NC). |
Asteraceae | Packera serpenticola | Rattlesnake Groundsel, Buck Creek Groundsel, Buck Creek Ragwort | Serpentine barrens. | Endemic to the Buck Creek Serpentine Barren, Clay County, NC. |
Asteraceae | Packera tampicana | Great Plains Groundsel, Great Plains Ragwort | Low prairies, roadsides. | Sw. AR and se. KS south and east to e. LA (Florida parishes) or s. MS (Cronquist 1980), and south to TX and Mexico (CHH, COA, HID, NLE, PUE, ROO, SLP, TAM, VER). |