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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaePanicum amarulumSouthern Seabeach GrassCoastal dunes and shores, sand-flats, and longleaf pine sandhills.NJ s. to FL, west to se. and s. TX and ne. Mexico (TAM); Mexico (Yucatan: CAM, ROO, YUC); West Indies; restricted to the Coastal Plain except for WV (where apparently introduced). Primarily a coastal plant, P. amarulum has unfortunately been planted extensively in the Fall-line Sandhills of NC.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum amarumBitter Seabeach GrassCoastal dunes and shores.RI and CT south to FL, west to se. and e. TX, south to the Caribbean coast of Mexico and Belize, restricted to the coast.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum bergii var. bergiiBerg’s Panic GrassDitches and shallow, sporadically flooded depressions in grasslands, also fields.Native of e. South America, especially Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and southern Brazil (less frequent in ne. Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela). In our region, reported for sc. GA (HC), AL (Kartesz 1999), and se. TX.
PoaceaePanicum bisulcatumBlackseed Panic GrassWet, disturbed, open areas, including old rice impoundments; also historically on ballast.Native of Asia. Reported introduction in SC, GA, and PA (Kartesz 1999), and as a ballast plant for se. PA (Philadelphia) (Rhoads & Klein 1993, as P. acroanthum Steudel).image of plant
PoaceaePanicum capillareOld-witch Grass, Tumbleweed, Tickle GrassOpen sandy or stony soil, fields, roadsides, waste places, often weedy in cultivated soil.E. to c. Canada, s. to FL and TX, Mexico; Bermuda (perhaps native).image of plant
PoaceaePanicum capillarioidesLongbeak Panic GrassGrasslands, savannas, dunes, especially in sandy soils.S. TX southwards into n. Mexico (COA, NLE, SLP, TAM).
PoaceaePanicum coloratumKlein GrassWet pastures.Native of Africa.
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. bartowenseBartow PanicgrassOpen, usually wet soils, often emergent in shallow water or on exposed shores.FL (and unconfirmed reports northward); Bahamas; e. Cuba; Jamaica.
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorumSpreading Panicgrass, Fall PanicgrassMarshy shores, exposed wet soils, alluvial deposits in floodplain forests, spoil banks, ditches.E. Canada west to BC, south to FL, TX, and Mexico; Bahamas (Sorrie & LeBlond 1997); West Indies (Cuba, Haiti, Guadelupe); widespread in s. Central America and South America.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum dichotomiflorum var. puritanorumPuritan PanicgrassWet sands and peats of seasonally exposed pond and lake shores.NS, NH, and NY south to DE (Sorrie & LeBlond 2008), VA, NC, and e. SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]); disjunct in IN and IL.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum diffusumWest Indian PanicgrassDisturbed areas.W. LA and TX ? south into Mexico; West Indies.
PoaceaePanicum filipesPrairies and disturbed areas (eastwards in SC on waste ground near wool-combing mill in Berkeley County, SC, where probably just a waif).W. LA to s. NM, south to ne. Mexico.
PoaceaePanicum flexileWiry Panic GrassGlades and openings over mafic or calcareous rocks, damp sandy meadows, open woodlands.NY, sw. QC, S. ON, and ND south to n. FL, TX, and Mexico (CHH, COA, DUR, NLE). First reported for SC by Nelson & Kelly (1997).image of plant
PoaceaePanicum ghiesbreghtiiGhiesbreght's Panic GrassWet thickets.S. TX south through Mexico and Central America to South America; West Indies.
PoaceaePanicum gouiniiTorpedo GrassShores.Al west to LA, south to e. MX and Central America; disjunct in s. Brazil and Argentina.
PoaceaePanicum halliiHall's Panic GrassPrairies.OK, CO, and s. UT south through TX, NM, and AZ to c. Mexico.
PoaceaePanicum hillmaniiHillman's Panic GrassDisturbed areas.KS and CO south through OK, TX, and NM to Mexico.
PoaceaePanicum hirsutumHairy Panic Grass, Giant Panic GrassThickets, riverbanks.S. TX, south through Mexico to Central America and n. South America; West Indies.
PoaceaePanicum hirticaule var. hirticauleMexican Panic GrassSeasonally moist flats.TX and OK south and west to CA, Mexico, Central America, and n. South America.
PoaceaePanicum miliaceum ssp. miliaceumBroomcorn Millet, Proso Millet, Hog MilletPlanted in wildlife food plots, sometimes persistent or self-sowing nearby, waif under birdfeeders.Native of s. Asia.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum miliaceum ssp. ruderaleBroomcorn, Proso Millet, Hog Millet, Panic MilletAgricultural fields, disturbed area.Native of s. Asia.
PoaceaePanicum paludosumMarsh Panic GrassIn water.Native of Asia.
PoaceaePanicum philadelphicum ssp. gattingeriGattinger’s Panic GrassDamp or dry, usually calcareous sandy soils of fields, roadsides, shores, and cultivated ground.NY, sw. QC, and MN south to NC, TN, GA, AL, and AR.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum philadelphicum ssp. lithophilumFlatrock Panic GrassSoil islands on granitic flatrocks and domes.Restricted to granite outcrops in NC, SC, and ec. GA.
PoaceaePanicum philadelphicum ssp. philadelphicumWoodland Panic GrassGlades, barrens, desiccated pondshores, riversides, and other rocky or dry sandy soil of open woods and roadsides.NS west to WI, south to GA and e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum repensTorpedo GrassDitches, roadbanks, disturbed coastal sands, in areas where ship's ballast was deposited.Native of Europe and Africa. First reported for NC by Leonard (1971b); reported for numerous counties in the GA Coastal Plain (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009). The nativity of this species in our region is uncertain.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum sumatrenseWaif on ore piles.Native of e. Asia.
PoaceaePanicum trichoidesTropical Panic GrassDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America (s. TX, Mexico, Central America to c. South America; West Indies); the occurrence in extreme s. TX (Cameron County) is plausibly native.
PoaceaePanicum virgatum var. cubenseBlunt Panic GrassWet to dry sandy pinelands.Coastal Plain from MA to FL, west to MS; also in MI; West Indies.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum virgatum var. spissumTufted SwitchgrassGravelly or sandy fresh to brackish shores and swamps.E. Canada south to PA, MD, DE (Kartesz 1999, 2015) and NC and SC.image of plant
PoaceaePanicum virgatum var. virgatumSwitchgrassDry or wet sandy soils of pinelands, fresh and brackish marshes, tidal swamps, interdune swales and ponds, riverside scour prairies, mafic fens, calcareous fens and spring marshes, rocky river shores and bars, and also frequently planted.Sw. QC and ND south to FL and TX, west to NV and n. Mexico; Bermuda; Central America.image of plant

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