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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
UrticaceaeParietaria floridanaFlorida PellitoryCoastal shores, sometimes weedy in calcareous situations or around greenhouses.DE south to FL and west to TX, on the outer Coastal Plain; Bahamas; Mexico, Central America, and South America. Reported for c. KY (Adanick & Medley 2020).image of plant
UrticaceaeParietaria judaicaPellitory-of-the-wallDisturbed urban areas.Native of Europe. Reports of P. officinalis in our area are based on P. judaica. Reported for Beaufort County, SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]).image of plant
UrticaceaeParietaria pensylvanicaPennsylvania Pellitory, Rock PellitoryIn circumneutral soils, such as in thin soils at the bases of calcareous or subcalcareous cliffs or on calcareous shale barrens, rich floodplain soils.ME west to BC, south to e. NC, w. NC, SC (Gaddy 2014), AL, Panhandle FL, TX, NV, and Mexico (many states).image of plant
UrticaceaeParietaria praetermissaCoastal PellitoryShell middens, coastal hammocks.E. NC south to s. FL and west to w. LA.image of plant