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55 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaePaspalum acuminatumBrook Paspalum, Canoe GrassFresh water ponds, wet areas, often disturbed; probably adventive in parts of our region (such as FL).C. GA and ne. TX south to s. FL and s. TX, south through the New World tropics to s. South America (Argentina).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum almumComb's PaspalumPastures, ditches, disturbed areas.Native of South America.
PoaceaePaspalum arundinaceumTropical PaspalumDisturbed wetlands, especially calcareous road shoulders, and sandy marsh edges.Native of the Neotropics (se. Mexico, West Indies, South America).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum bifidumPitchfork Paspalum, Pitchfork Crown GrassMesic to wet longleaf pine savannas and mesic swales in longleaf pine sandhills, inland sand savannas, other sandy woodlands and fields.Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. MO, se. OK, and e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum blodgettiiCoral Paspalum, Blodgett’s Paspalum, Blodgett’s CrowngrassPine rocklands, rockland hammocks, coastal rock barrens, coastal strands, disturbed areas over limestone.S. FL; Bahamas; West Indies; Mexico and Central America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum boscianumBull PaspalumMarshes, cypress domes, low fields, ditches.MD, KY, AR, and e. TX south through tropical America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum caespitosumBlue PaspalumPine rocklands, rockland hammocks, coastal strands, dry pine savannas, marl prairies, disturbed areas over limestone (probably etc.).S. AL and n. FL south to s. FL; West Indies; Mexico and Central America; West Indies.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum conjugatumSour PaspalumDisturbed areas, forest edges.Ne. FL, FL Panhandle, and s. AL west to e. and s. TX, south in the New World tropics; Old World tropics.
PoaceaePaspalum conspersumScattered PaspalumRoadsides, other disturbed areas.Native of Mexico south to South America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum convexumMexican PaspalumDisturbed areas.Native of tropical America. MS, LA, and e. TX.
PoaceaePaspalum coryphaeumEmperor Crown-grass, Cory GrassDisturbed areas.Native of Central and South America.
PoaceaePaspalum denticulatumPull-and-be-damned, Long-TomCoastal marshes, ditches, wet disturbed areas.FL, AL, LA, and TX south through Mexico to Central America; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum dilatatum ssp. dilatatumDallis GrassRoadsides, fields, disturbed areas.Native of tropical America. See Daines et al. (2022) for report for se. KS. Reported for s. IN by Bill Thomas (pers.comm., 2022).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum dissectumMudbank Crown-grass, Walter’s PaspalumMud flats, drawdown zones of ponds and reservoirs.NJ, IL, and KS south to c. FL and e. TX; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum distichumJoint Paspalum, KnotgrassBrackish (especially oligohaline) and freshwater marshes, interdune swales and marshes, waterfowl impoundments.NJ, KS, and WA south to s. FL, s. TX, s. CA, and through the New World and Old World tropics. Reported for s. IN by Bill Thomas (pers.comm., 2022).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum eglumeReimar GrassMoist hammocks, marshes, riverside drawdown zones, depression marshes, wet disturbed areas, marshy floodplains.Ne. FL (Duval County) and s. AL south to s. FL; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum fimbriatumWinged Paspalum, Panama Crown-grassLawns, gardens, roadsides, other dry to moist disturbed areas.Native of s. Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum floridanumFlorida Paspalum, Big PaspalumLongleaf pine sandhills, pine savannas, hammock edges, moist forests, ditches, barrens, prairies, fields, roadsides.NJ, IL, and KS south to s. FL and e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum fluitansWater Paspalum, Horsetail Crown GrassMucky soils in swamp forests, moist riverbanks and bars, sloughs, sometimes forming floating mats.MD, IL, and KS south to s. FL and s. TX, and south through tropical America to c. South America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum hartwegianumHartweg's PaspalumDitches, low areas.C. and s. TX south to s. South America.
PoaceaePaspalum intermediumDrainage canals.Native of South America. Escaped in sc. GA (Tift County, where growing along drainage canals in Tifton) (Jones & Coile 1988).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum laeve var. circulare{needs additional herbarium work to fully determine range and abundance of varieties}image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum laeve var. laeveForest edges, pinelands, ditches, roadsides, other disturbed areas. {need additional herbarium work to fully determine range and abundance of varieties}Overall distribution of P. laeve s.l.: MA, NY, MI, and KS south to s. FL and e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum langeiRustyseed PaspalumCalcareous hardwood hammocks, moist forests, stream-bottoms.N. peninsular FL (Alachua County) and Panhandle FL (Jackson County) west to se. TX, and south through the New World tropics to South America; West Indies.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum laxumCoconut PaspalumCoastal hammocks, pine rocklands, dunes and coastal areas, disturbed uplands over limestone or beach sand.S. FL; West Indies; Central America (Belize).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum lentiferumCurtis’s Crown GrassPine savannas, wet prairies, seepage slopes.NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum malacophyllumRibbed PaspalumOld fields, disturbed areas, pine rockland edges over limestone.Native of Mexico and Central America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum minusMatted PaspalumDisturbed areas, forest edges.FL Panhandle (Escambia County) and s. AL west to e. and c. TX; s. Mexico to South America; West Indies.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum modestumWater Crown-GrassRice fields, ditches.Native of South America.
PoaceaePaspalum monostachyumGulfdune PaspalumCoastal dunes, sandy prairies, wet prairies, marl prairies (in s. FL).S. FL peninsula; s. MS; sw. LA west to TX and ne. Mexico (TAM, VER).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum nicoraeBrunswick GrassRoadsides, pastures, lawns, sometimes cultivated.Native of Brazil. Also reported for peninsular FL (Wunderlin & Hansen 2006) and Baldwin County, AL (Barger et al. 2012).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum notatumBahia GrassRoadsides and disturbed areas, often (especially in FL) planted as a coarse turfgrass or a pasture grass.Native of tropical America (e. Mexico to Argentina; West Indies).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum orbiculatumArrocilloWaif on ore piles.Native of South America.
PoaceaePaspalum paniculatumArrocilloDisturbed areas over limestone, including road shoulders and agricultural areas.Native of tropical America (s. Mexico to Argentina; West Indies). Naturalized in ec. MS and s. FL.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum plicatulumBrownseed PaspalumPine savannas, sandy loam prairies, sandy woodlands, fields (used for pasture, hay, and silage).Se. SC south to s. FL, west to s. TX, and south through tropical America to s. South America (Argentina); West Indies.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum praecoxEarly Crown GrassPine savannas, seepages.Mainly Coastal Plain, se. VA south to s. FL, west to TX, but inland as a disjunct.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum pubiflorum var. glabrumHairyseed Crown-grassRoadsides, fields, and other disturbed areas.PA west to KS and CO, south to FL and s. TX and Mexico; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum pubiflorum var. pubiflorumHairy-seed Crown-grassRoadsides, fields, and other disturbed areas.AR and KS south through LA and TX to Mexico.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum quadrifariumTussock PaspalumDisturbed areas.Native of South America. Reported for GA Coastal Plain (Zomlefer et al. 2018).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum racemosumPeruvian PaspalumDisturbed areas.MS and other widely scattered localities in North America, native of n. South America
PoaceaePaspalum scrobiculatumIndian PaspalumDisturbed areas.Native of India.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. ciliatifoliumFringeleaf PaspalumDry open areas and woodlands, disturbed areas.S. NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX, interior to s. WV, se. KY, e. TN, n. AL, n. MS, c. AR, and e. OK; Bahamas; Central America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. longepedunculatumPine flatwoods and pine savannas.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS; Bahamas.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. muhlenbergiiDry or moist soils.NH west to MI, c. IL, s. IA, and c. KS, south to n. FL, s. AL, s. MS, s. LA, and c. TX.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. psammophilumMaritime grasslands, sandy disturbed areas.MA south to DC (VA?) in the Coastal Plain.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. rigidifoliumLongleaf pine sandhills, dry pine flatwoods, open hammocks.Ne. GA, immediately adjacent to SC (and reported for NC by HC) south to s. FL; Cuba.
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. setaceumThin PaspalumLongleaf pine sandhills, pine savannas, pine flatwoods, dry to moist disturbed areas.MA and CT south to s. FL, west to e. TX, inland to w. VA, s. WV, s. MO and AR; Cuba.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. stramineumYellow Sand PaspalumDry sandy soils.MI west to MT, south to LA, and NM, and Mexico; scattered eastward, especially near the coast, perhaps at least in part as introductions.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. supinumLongleaf pine sandhills, dunes, beaches, other sandy soils, old fields.E. NC (e. VA?) south to s. FL, west to s. MS. Also reported for the Coastal Plain of Virginia by Tatnall (1946); needing confirmation of the specimen identification.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum setaceum var. villosissimumLongleaf pine sandhills, scrubby pine flatwoods.N. FL (very near GA) south to s. FL; Cuba.
PoaceaePaspalum unispicatumOne-spike CrowngrassSandy and loamy prairies.C. and s. TX; Cuba; e. Mexico; Paraguay and Argentina.
PoaceaePaspalum urvilleiVasey GrassRoadsides, fields, and other disturbed areas.Native of South America (Brazil and Argentina).image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum vaginatumSand Knotgrass, Seashore Crown GrassBrackish marshes, rarely inland in disturbed places.NC south to s. FL, west to s. TX, southward through the New World tropics; Old World tropics.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum virgatumTalquezalCoastal prairies, disturbed areas.Native of se. and s. TX, Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
PoaceaePaspalum wrightiiWright's CrowngrassRoadside ditches.S. TX to South America; Cuba. Apparently introduced in our region.