Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Orobanchaceae | Pedicularis canadensis | Eastern Lousewort, Wood-betony | Moist to dry forests and woodlands, streambanks, prairies. | ME, QC, and MB south to ne. FL, FL Panhandle, and e. TX. | |
Orobanchaceae | Pedicularis lanceolata | Swamp Lousewort, Swamp Wood-betony | Fens, springheads, wet meadows, marshes, and swampy areas, over calcareous, mafic, or ultramafic rocks. | MA and NY west to MN and ND, south to e. VA, w. NC, e. TN, ne. GA, w. TN, n. AR, and NE. |