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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AraceaePeltandra sagittifoliaSpoonflower, White Arrow-arumPocosins of the outer Coastal Plain, sphagnous swamps. Peaty ecotones between bayheads and seepage slopes (Coleataenia abscissa/Magnolia virginiana bayhead ecotones in c. FL). Typically in wet, mucky, sphagnous, or otherwise deeply saturated soils often with some standing water.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: e. NC south to c. peninsular FL and west to se. LA.image of plant
AraceaePeltandra virginicaGreen Arrow-arum, TuckahoeMarshes, bogs, beaver ponds, pocosins, other stagnant, aquatic situations, freshwater to oligohaline tidal marshes.ME, s. QC, and n. MI south to s. FL and e. TX; Cuba.image of plant