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6 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaePhaseolus coccineusScarlet Runner BeanInfrequently cultivated, mostly as an ornamental in home gardens, rarely found as a waif.Native of tropical America.image of plant
FabaceaePhaseolus lunatusLima BeanFrequently cultivated (both commercially and in home gardens), rarely found as a waif.Native of tropical America, north to southern TAM.
FabaceaePhaseolus polystachiosWild Bean, Wild Kidney Bean, SacsacThickets, woodlands, seemingly declining.S. ME west to OH, IL, and MO, south to s. FL and TX.image of plant
FabaceaePhaseolus sinuatusSandhill BeanLongleaf pine sandhills, especially in loamier, more mesic swales.Sc. NC south to s. FL, west to s. MS, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.image of plant
FabaceaePhaseolus smilacifoliusSmilax BeanHammocks.Ne. FL south to nc. peninsular FL.image of plant
FabaceaePhaseolus vulgarisGarden Bean, Green Bean, Snap Bean, String Bean, Kidney Bean, Pole Bean, Bush BeanFrequently cultivated (both commercially and in home gardens), rarely found as a waif.Native of tropical America.image of plant

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