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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ThelypteridaceaePhegopteris connectilisNorthern Beech FernMoist cliffs where wet by spray from waterfalls (at medium elevations), also on high elevation cliffs wet by seepage and in spruce-fir forests, northward in cool ravines and on swamp borders. Most of the occurrences in NC are at waterfalls in the escarpment gorges of Transylvania, Macon, and Jackson counties, near Highlands.A circumboreal species, at its southern limit in North America in MD, WV, OH, IL, IA, MT, and OR; disjunct southward in w. NC and e. TN, and in CO.image of plant
ThelypteridaceaePhegopteris decursivepinnataJapanese Beech FernVertical rock outcrops, moist slopes.Native of e. and se. Asia. This species is naturalizing on sandstone cliffs, other outcrops, rocky banks at scattered locations around the Southeastern United States, and seems likely to become more common. See Florez-Parra & Keener (2016) for additional information.image of plant
ThelypteridaceaePhegopteris excelsiorTall Beech FernMoist forests.image of plant
ThelypteridaceaePhegopteris hexagonopteraBroad Beech FernMesic to submesic hardwood forests.QC west to ON, WI, and MN, south to Panhandle FL and e. TX.image of plant