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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
HydrangeaceaePhiladelphus coronariusCaucasian Philadelphus, European Mock-orangeCultivated (though more so in the past than now), and sometimes escaped or persisting around old homesites.Native of the Caucasus Mountains and possibly s. Europe. P. coronarius is the most commonly cultivated Philadelphus in our area, though it is currently considered rather old-fashioned.image of plant
HydrangeaceaePhiladelphus hirsutusCumberland Philadelphus, Hairy Philadelphus, Hairy Mock-orange, Cumberland Mock-orangeBluffs, rock outcrops, rocky woodlands, often with seepage, over mafic or calcareous rocks.A Southern Appalachian species: sw. VA and KY south and west to w. NC, TN, n. GA, and n. AL.image of plant
HydrangeaceaePhiladelphus inodorusAppalachian Phildelphus, Appalachian Mock-orangeRich forests and woodlands, rocky bluffs over mafic or calcareous rocks, and also cultivated and persistent.VA and TN south to Panhandle FL (Gadsden, Liberty, and Jackson counties), GA, and s. AL (and according to C, also in e. PA).image of plant
HydrangeaceaePhiladelphus pubescensOzark Philadelphus, Ozark Mock-orange, Hairy Mock-orangeLimestone bluffs; also naturalizing near ornamental plantings in suburban woodlands.E. TN, KY, nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988), n. AL (Barger et al. 2019), MO, OK, and AR, west of the Blue Ridge. It has been documented from TN counties adjacent to both VA and NC, and is likely to be found in VA, at least. Also scattered as a horticultural plant locally escaping.image of plant
HydrangeaceaePhiladelphus texensis var. ernestiiErnest's Philadelphus, Ernest's Mock-orangeLimestone rock outcrops.Nearly endemic to the Edwards Plateau, but rarely extending eastwards to Post Oak Savanna/Blackland Prairies in Bastrop County, TX.