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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaePluchea baccharisRose Fleabane, Savanna FleabaneWet pine savannas, other saturated wetlands.E. NC south to s. FL, west to se. TX; Bahamas, Cuba, Mexico (CAM, OAX, ROO, VER, YUC), and Central America.image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea camphorataCamphorweed, Camphor PlucheaBottomland sloughs, clay flatwoods, other freshwater wetlands, also weedy in upland areas, particularly in sunny areas and following disturbance.DE and NJ (formerly) and MD south to n. peninsular FL, west to TX and OK, north in the interior to s. OH and e. KS.image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea carolinensisCure-for-all, CoughbushCoastal hammocks; probably introduced, but plausibly native.Native of West Indies, s. TX, Mexico, Central America, and South America. Probably introduced in FL; see discussion in Bradley (2012).image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea foetida var. foetidaStinking FleabaneSeasonally wet areas, ditches, various other freshwater wetlands.S. NJ south to s. FL, west to e. TX and se. OK; West Indies (Hispaniola).image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea foetida var. imbricataFreshwater wetlands.SC south to FL Panhandle.image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea longifoliaBrackish and freshwater marshes and swamps, ditches, canals.Ne. FL and eastern FL Panhandle (Wakulla and Taylor counties) south to c. peninsular FL (Wunderlin & Hansen 2008).image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea odorata var. odorataSouthern Saltmarsh FleabaneSalt and brackish marshes.VA south to s. FL and TX (mostly on the Coastal Plain); also in w. United States, Central America, and South America.image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea odorata var. succulentaNorthern Saltmarsh FleabaneSalt and brackish marshes.MA and MI south to e. NC.image of plant
AsteraceaePluchea sagittalisWing-stem CamphorweedDisturbed areas, probably only a waif, known from old collections (1891-1901) from Pensacola, FL, and Mobile, AL.Native of South America.
AsteraceaePluchea yucatanensisYucatan CamphorweedBrackish marshes.Native of Mexico and Belize. Introduced in s. AL and s. MS.