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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
RosaceaePyracantha angustifoliaNarrowleaf FirethornPlanted, rarely escaped or persistent.Native of China.image of plant
RosaceaePyracantha atalantioidesPlanted, rarely escaped or persistent.Native of China.
RosaceaePyracantha coccineaScarlet FirethornPlanted, persistent around old homesites, and rarely escaped to woodlands.Native of se. Europe and Asia Minor. Reported for AL, LA, OK, SC, TN, and TX (Nesom 2010a).image of plant
RosaceaePyracantha fortuneanaChinese FirethornFencerows, invading disturbed calcareous prairies, spreading from horticultural use.Native of China. Reported for AL, SC, and TX (Nesom 2010a). Serviss et al. (2018) discuss its occurrence in AR.image of plant
RosaceaePyracantha koidzumiiFormosan FirethornPlanted, escaped to woodlands, roadsides, open disturbed areas.Native of Taiwan. Reported for AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, OK, SC, TX (Nesom 2010a). See Serviss et al. (2018) for discussion of its occurrence in AR.image of plant