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4 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EricaceaePyrola americanaRounded ShinleafXeric to mesic woodlands and forests.NL (Newfoundland) west to MB, south to NC, ne. TN, KY, IN, MN, and SD.image of plant
EricaceaePyrola asarifoliaPink ShinleafBogs and swampy forests and woodlands.NL west to AK, south to NY (Long Island), n. IN, ne. IA, NM, UT, and s. CA.image of plant
EricaceaePyrola chloranthaGreenflower WintergreenDry forests.Circumboreal, in North America south to VA, WV, IN, NE, NM, AZ, and CA.image of plant
EricaceaePyrola ellipticaElliptic ShinleafMoist to dry forests, including rich northern hardwood forests.NS, NL (Newfoundland), and QC west to BC, south to DE, nw. NC, WV, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, NM, and AZ. Known in NC only from a few locations in Ashe and Watauga counties.image of plant