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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AnacardiaceaeRhus aromatica var. arenariaSand Sumac, Dune SumacSandy woodlands and openings.N. OH, MI, ne. IN west to IL and e. IA, mainly along the Great Lakes shores.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus aromatica var. aromaticaFragrant SumacDry to dry-mesic upland forests and woodlands, glade margins, stream banks, bluffs, and pastures, eastwards primarily in rocky, rather dry, woodlands, usually over mafic rocks (such as gabbro or diabase) or calcareous rocks, less commonly in sandy soils.The species (if interpreted to include Rhus trilobata at varietal rank) ranges throughout much of temperate North America. Var. aromatica is the most eastern component of the complex, distributed from NH, ON, and MN south to Panhandle FL and TX.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus aromatica var. serotinaMidwestern Fragrant SumacDry to dry-mesic upland forests and woodlands, glade margins, and bluffs.S. WI, IA, and sc. SD south to s. IL, MO, AR, and e. TX. Some populations east of the Mississippi River in TN, KY, and AL may represent this taxon (D. Estes, pers. comm., 2012).image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus aromatica var. trilobataSkunkbush SumacCalcareous woodlands and prairies.ND, SK, AB, and OR south to IA, sw. AR, se. TX, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus copallinum var. copallinumEastern Winged Sumac, Eastern Flameleaf SumacLongleaf pine sandhills, dry woodlands, maritime thickets (especially from VA northward), old fields, roadsides.S. NY south to s. FL, west to e. TX, mainly on the Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus copallinum var. latifoliaEastern Winged SumacRocky glades, dry woodlands.S. ME to WI, south to c. GA, AL, LA, and e. TX.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus glabraSmooth SumacDisturbed areas, clearings, roadsides, woodlands.ME west to BC, south to Panhandle FL, TX, CA, Mexico (CHH, SON).image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus lanceolataPrairie Sumac, Prairie Flameleaf SumacOpen areas, especially on limestone.Ne. and se. OK, TX Panhandle, and s. NM south to e. TX, s. TX, and Mexico (CHH, COA, NLE, SLP, TAM).image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus michauxiiMichaux's Sumac, Dwarf SumacIn the fall line sandhills characteristically in submesic, loamy swales, usually associated with such species as Paspalum bifidum, Helianthus divaricatus, Tridens carolinianus, Rhus copallinum, Anthenantia villosa, Gymnopogon spp., and Aristida lanosa; in the eastern Piedmont on sandy soils derived from granite; in the central Piedmont on clayey soils derived from mafic rocks such as gabbro or mafic Carolina slates, probably all of its habitats (formerly) in frequently burned situations.Rare and scattered (though formerly more common) from sc. VA south to GA; disjunct in Alachua County, FL. Large populations were found in sc. VA (Nottoway and Dinwiddie counties) in frequently burned military artillery "impact areas" on Fort Barfoot (formerly Fort Pickett) (Fleming & Ludwig 1996).image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus microphyllaDesert Sumac, Scrub SumacRocky hillsides, riverbanks.E. TX, sw. OK, NM, and AZ south through c. and w. TX to Mexico.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus typhinaStaghorn SumacRoadsides, old pastures, thickets, clearings, rock outcrops, barrens.NS and NB west to MN, south to n. GA, AL, MS, and KS.image of plant
AnacardiaceaeRhus virens var. virensEvergreen Sumac, LentiscoOpen areas, especially on limestone.C. and se. TX west to s. NM, south to sc. Mexico.image of plant