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28 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AlismataceaeSagittaria ambiguaPlains Arrowhead, Kansas ArrowheadPond and lake shores, ditches.IN and w. IL west to KS, south to s. MO and e. OK.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria australisAppalachian Arrowhead, Longbeak ArrowheadMarshes, swamps, rivershores, backwaters, margins of ponds and lakes.NY west to s. IN and se. MO, south to SC, Panhandle FL, and MS.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria brevirostraMidwestern Arrowhead, Shortbeak ArrowheadShores, shallow water.OH west to ND, south to n. VA, e. TN, AL, and TX.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria calycinaHooded ArrowheadSeasonally exposed shores and flats of ponds, pools, and impoundments.N. OH and MI west to SD and CO, south to sw. VA, c. TN, LA, TX, and Mexico; disjunct in CA. Scattered occurrences eastwards are difficult to interpret as to 'nativeness', being primarily or entirely in manmade wetlands, to which they may have arrived by a diversity of means. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997).image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria chapmaniiChapman's ArrowheadLimesink (doline) ponds with drawdown hydrology, mucky ditches.E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. LA. First reported for SC by Nelson & Kely (1997). reports from west of the Mississippi River are based on misidentifications of S. platyphylla.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria cuneataNorthern Arrowhead, Arumleaf Arrowhead, WapatoPonds, marshes, shores.NS west to AK, south to CT, nw. NJ, nw. PA, IN, IL, IA, OK, n. TX, NM, AZ, and CA.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria engelmannianaBlackwater Arrowhead, Engelmann's ArrowheadBlackwater streambanks, sphagnum bogs, pocosins, beaver ponds.MA and NY south to s. FL and s. AL, primarily on the Coastal Plain (rarely disjunct inland).image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria fasciculataBunched ArrowheadBogs, ditches adjacent to drained bogs, wooded seepage areas.Endemic to a several-county area in sw. NC and nw. SC, where most of its former habitat has been drained.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria filiformisThreadleaf ArrowheadSwiftly flowing water of blackwater rivers and streams, blackwater lake shores, tidal waters.As conceived here, probably ranging from MA south to s. FL, s. AL, and s. MS.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria gramineaGrassleaf ArrowheadMarshes, ponds, freshwater and oligohaline tidal marshes.NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) west to MN and SD, south to s. FL and c. TX; West Indies.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria guayanensis ssp. guayanensisGuayana ArrowheadDisturbed wetlands, rice fields.Native of Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies.
AlismataceaeSagittaria isoetiformisQuillwort ArrowheadPineland ponds, clay-based Carolina bays, natural lake shoreline marshes, other seasonally flooded depressions.Se. NC south to s. peninsular FL, west to s. MS (Sorrie & Leonard 1999)image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria kurzianaSpring-tapeSpring-runs.Panhandle and n. and c. peninsular FL.
AlismataceaeSagittaria lancifolia var. lancifoliaBulltongue ArrowheadMarshes, swamps.E. SC south to s. FL, west to FL Panhandle; West Indies; n. South America. Reports further west in the Gulf Coastal Plain (MS and LA) are unverified.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria lancifolia var. mediaScimitar ArrowheadFreshwater to brackish (mesohaline) tidal marshes.S. DE south to ne. FL, FL Panhandle, west to TX; scattered in Central America.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria latifolia var. latifoliaCommon Arrowhead, Broadleaf ArrowheadMarshes, swamps, farm ponds, ditches, bogs.NS west to BC, south to tropical America (rare in the Appalachian region).image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria latifolia var. pubescensCommon Arrowhead, Broadleaf ArrowheadBogs, marshes.C. PA, OH, and TN, south to n. FL and e. LA, centered in the Appalachians.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria longilobaLong-lobe Arrowhead, Flecha de AguaSwamps, ponds, ditches.NE, NM, AZ, and CA south to s. TX and Mexico; Nicaragua, Venezuela.
AlismataceaeSagittaria macrocarpaBeaverponds, old millponds, sometimes under gum and maple canopy.Apparently endemic to the Coastal Plain of the Carolinas; potentially to be expected in e. GAimage of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria montevidensisGiant ArrowheadDisturbed areas, marshes.Native of South America. Most of the collections from the southeastern United States are old collections around major seaports, suggesting that this plant was introduced on the ballast of sailing ships.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria papillosaNipple-bract ArrowheadBogs, swamps, ditches, depressions.C. AR and se. OK south to s. LA and c. TX; rarely disjunct east of the Mississippi in se. LA and s. MS.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria platyphyllaDelta ArrowheadMarshes, ditches, farm ponds, pondcypress wetlands, canals.VA, OH, IL, MO, and OK, south to FL, TX, and Mexico. The distribution of this species is primarily in the Mississippi drainage; occurrences east of the Appalachians may be introduced, either by humans or by waterfowl. First reported for VA by Wieboldt et al. (1998). Reported for c. FL (Orange County) by Dalager (2022, who considers it as introduced there and likely via the aquatic plant industry.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria rigidaSessile-fruited Arrowhead, Stiff ArrowheadNatural mountain ponds, wet meadows.ME and MN, south to w. VA, nc. TN, MO, nw. AR, and NE.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria secundifoliaLittle River Water-plantain, Kral's ArrowheadCrevices in sandstone bedrock in streambeds.Endemic to se. TN, nw. GA, and nc. AL.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria spongiosaTidal ArrowheadTidal marshes and mud flats.NB south to e. NC along the coast.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria subulataDwarf Arrowhead, Awl-leaf ArrowheadTidal marshes and mud flats.MA and NY south to n. peninsular FL and MS.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria teresSlender ArrowheadPonds.MA south to s. NJ.image of plant
AlismataceaeSagittaria weatherbianaWeatherby’s ArrowheadFresh to brackish marshes, tidal cypress-gum swamps, streambanks, pineland pools.Se. VA south to Panhandle FL.image of plant