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4 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ViburnaceaeSambucus canadensisCommon ElderberryBottomland and riparian forests, streambanks, thickets, marshes, swamps, seeps, spring runs, mesic upland forests, pond margins, pastures, fencerows, other disturbed areas.NS west to MB, south to s. FL, TX; montane Mexico and Central America; West Indies.image of plant
ViburnaceaeSambucus ebulusDwarf Elderberry, DanewortRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
ViburnaceaeSambucus nigraEuropean ElderDisturbed areas, uncommonly cultivated.Native of Europe. Reported for Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, VA by Fernald (1941).image of plant
ViburnaceaeSambucus racemosa var. pubensEastern Red ElderberrySpruce-fir and northern hardwood forests, especially typical on boulderfield, talus, and other rocky situations, primarily at high elevations in the Mountains, though sometimes descending in our area (mainly in VA and northward) to low elevations (as low as 75 m).S. racemosa var. pubens ranges from NL (Newfoundland) west to BC (?), south to PA, IN, IL, and in the mountains to w. NC, e. TN, and ne. GA (Jones & Coile 1988).image of plant

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