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23 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeScleria baldwiniiBaldwin's NutrushWet pine or pondcypress savannas, under Pinus serotina, P. palustris, and/or Taxodium ascendens.Se. NC south to s. FL and west to se. TX; also in Cuba and the Bahamas (Sorrie & LeBlond 1997).image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria belliiSmooth-seeded Hairy NutrushCoastal prairies, wet pine savannas shallowly underlain by coquina limestone in the Coastal Plain, and apparently in diabase glades and barrens in the Piedmont. Scleria bellii is associated in the NC Coastal Plain with narrow endemics such as Thalictrum cooleyi, Allium species 1, and Carex lutea.Currently known from scattered sites from NC south to FL and west to TX; disjunct in Mexico and Cuba.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria ciliata var. ciliataHairy NutrushWet to dry sandy thickets and pine flatwoods, typically on sandy soil.VA south to FL, west to MO and TX; West Indies; Mexico and Central America.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria ciliata var. glabraSmooth NutrushPine savannas and pine flatwoods.E. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria distans var. distansRiverswamp NutrushMoist sandy or peaty soil of pine savannas and flatwoods, boggy areas, and wet openings along roads.GA south to s. FL west to TX; West Indies; Mexico, Central and South America; Africa.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria eggersianaEggers's NutrushStrand swamps.Native of the West Indies (Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, including Puerto Rico), Mexico, Central America, and South America.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria elliottiiBroad-leaved Hairy NutrushPine savannas, pine flatwoods, pine-oak woodlands, meadows, bogs, and clay-based Carolina bays, typically on loamy sands.VA south to FL, west to TX, MO, OK.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria flaccidaFlaccid NutrushCoastal hammocks, maritime forests, oak woods and thickets near saltwater, blackwater swamps.Scattered along the outer Coastal Plain from se. VA to s. FL and west to LA.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria gaertneriDisturbed pine flatwoods and pondcypress wetlands.Native of Brazil.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria georgianaGeorgia NutrushPine savannas, cypress savannas, depression meadows, mostly on the outer Coastal Plain.E. NC south to s. FL, west to TX; and in the West Indies, Central and South America.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria lacustrisLake NutrushShallow emergent in lakes, lagoons, marshes, strand swamps; introduced in peninsular FL, where becoming locally common as an aggressive invasive.Native of West Indies, Central America, n. South America, and Africa.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria lithosperma var. lithospermaRockland hammocks.S. FL; Mexico, Central America and South America; West Indies; tropical Asia and Africa.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria microcarpaTropical NutrushDisturbed moist or wet areas.Native of New World tropics.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria minorSlender NutrushWet savannas and peaty seepages in the Coastal Plain and Sandhills, bogs in the Mountains.NY (Long Island) and NJ south to FL, west to se. TX.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria muehlenbergiiPitted NutrushOpen wet sand, pine savannas and flatwoods, depression meadows, cypress savannas, limesink ponds, bogs.NY (Long Island), NJ, and NC south to FL, west to TX, north in the interior to MO and IN; West Indies and Bahamas (Sorrie & LeBlond 1997); Mexico and Central America.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria nitidaShining NutrushSandhills, dry sandy or rocky soil of pine/scrub oak woodlands, ridgetop forests at lower elevations in the Mountains such as pine/oak heaths, and heath balds.MA, VA, and KY south to FL, west to LA and MO (also see note under S. triglomerata); reported from LA, but documentation has not been located. Although widespread at least historically in the Carolinas, it does not appear to be common anywhere.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria oliganthaFew-flowered NutrushDry to moist forests and woodlands, swamp forests.NJ and MO south to c. peninsular FL and TX; Puerto Rico; Mexico and Central America. Reported as new to MD (Longbottom, Naczi, & Knapp 2016). Also present (perhaps common and overlooked?) in n. GA (Gemma Milly, pers. comm., 2022)image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria pauciflora var. carolinianaCarolina NutrushPine savannas.NH west to MI, south to n. FL, TN, and MO.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria pauciflora var. paucifloraPapillose NutrushWet to dry pine flatwoods, pine savannas, depression meadows.NJ west to KS, south to FL and TX; Cuba.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria reticularisNetted NutrushLimesink ponds, pondcypress savannas in clay-based Carolina bays.MA south to FL, west to e. LA, north to IN, MI, and WI. Reports from Mexico are based on S. muehlenbergii.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria triglomerataTall NutrushWet to mesic pine flatwoods, pine savannas, and hardwood forests.VT and ON west to MN, south to s. FL, TX, and ne. Mexico (NLE); S. triglomerata sensu lato also occurs in Puerto Rico and Mexico, and may include S. nitida and S. flaccida.image of plant
CyperaceaeScleria vaginataNative of tropical America. Reported by Reznicek, Fairey, & Whittemore (2002) as an "adventive in southern Florida", but we are unaware of substantiation of the report.
CyperaceaeScleria verticillataSavanna Nutrush, Low NutrushWet calcareous pine savannas of the outer Coastal Plain, freshwater marshes and maritime wet grasslands on barrier islands influenced by salt spray and shell deposits, wet calcareous or mafic fens or seepages in the mountains, calcareous grasslands, also apparently spreading to ditches along Coastal Plain 'marl' roads (made from coquina limestone gravel). This species is a distinct calciphile, with only scattered occurrences in most of our area (north of FL).MA and ON west to MN, south to FL and TX. Previous reports of a much broader distribution (West Indies; Mexico, Central America, and South America) are based on other species segregated form S. verticillata.image of plant

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