4 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CactaceaeSelenicereus grandiflorusQueen-of-the-nightDisturbed hammocks.Native of the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America.image of plant
CactaceaeSelenicereus pteranthusPrincess-of-the-night, Snake CactusDisturbed hammocks.Native of the West Indies and Mexico.image of plant
CactaceaeSelenicereus spinulosusVinelike Moonlight CactusSubtropical woodlands.S. TX (Cameron County) south to s. MX.image of plant
CactaceaeSelenicereus undatusNightblooming Cereus, Nightblooming Cactus, Dragonfruit, White-fleshed PitahayaSuburban woodlands, disturbed sites.Native of tropical America.image of plant