Intro: Erect perennial that can be aquatic, found in freshwater marshes, brackish marshes and swamp forests.
Stems: Stems stout, hollow, longitudinally ribbed, branching above middle, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, pinnately divided into 5-17 lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaflets that are 1/2-6 in. long; submerged leaves, when present, are 2-3 times divided. Leaf surface smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in generally flat, compound umbels (2-5 in. wide) at ends of branches, the umbellets with 20-35 flowers each; white; 1/8-1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 petals with incurved tips, a short calyx, 5 protruding stamens and a 2-celled ovary with a pair of divergent styles.
Fruits: Fruit a joined pair of oval, ridged seeds.
Height: 2-6 ft.
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description: Erect perennial that can be aquatic, found in freshwater marshes, brackish marshes and swamp forests.
stems: Stems stout, hollow, longitudinally ribbed, branching above middle, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, pinnately divided into 5-17 lance-shaped, sharply toothed leaflets that are 1/2-6 in. long; submerged leaves, when present, are 2-3 times divided. Leaf surface smooth.
flowers: Flowers in generally flat, compound umbels (2-5 in. wide) at ends of branches, the umbellets with 20-35 flowers each; white; 1/8-1/4 in. wide; consisting of 5 petals with incurved tips, a short calyx, 5 protruding stamens and a 2-celled ovary with a pair of divergent styles.
fruits: Fruit a joined pair of oval, ridged seeds.
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