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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LoganiaceaeSpigelia alabamensisAlabama PinkrootDolostone glades.Endemic to Bibb County, AL (Gould 1996, Allison & Stevens 2001; Weakley et al. 2011).image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia anthelmiaWest Indian Pinkroot, Wormgrass, PinkweedPine rocklands, disturbed upland areas.S. peninsular FL; West Indies; Mexico (CAM, CHP, OAX, ROO, SLP, TAB, VER, YUC), Central America, and South America.image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia gentianoidesGentian PinkrootLongleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods.Endemic to FL Panhandle (Calhoun, Jackson, and Washington counties) and adjacent AL (Geneva County).image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia hedyotideaPrairie PinkrootLimestone outcrops and gravelly areas.C. TX; Mexico (CHP, CHH, COA, SON, TAM,VER) to Central America.image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia loganioidesFlorida Pinkroot, Levy PinkrootWet calcareous hammocks.Endemic to the n. FL peninsula (Levy, Marion, Sumter, and Volusia counties).image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia marilandicaPinkroot, Wormgrass, Indian-pinkMoist to dry woodlands and forests, usually on circumneutral soils.SC, sw. NC (Cherokee Co. and Macon Co.), and TN west to s. IN and OK, south to Panhandle FL and TX; some floras allege its occurrence north to VA, MD, NJ, and PA (its recent use as a native ornamental is spreading its distribution, at least as a garden waif, beyond its native distribution). S. marilandica will likely be found in sw. VA; a single dubious record from Giles County, VA is of uncertain origin (FUGR).image of plant
LoganiaceaeSpigelia texanaTexas PinkrootFloodplain forests and other moist forests.E. and se. TX.image of plant