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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes ×kapnosperiaSmoky Ladies'-tressesBogs, seeps, meadows.Sw. NC and nw. SC.
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes arcisepalaBogs, fens, seepages.NB and QC south to NC, mainly in the Appalachians, and west to s. MI and n. IN.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes bightensisAtlantic Ladies'-tressesMaritime grasslands, dune swales, sphagnous lake and pond margins.Long Island, NY, south to VA (eastern shore).image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes brevilabrisShort-lipped Ladies’-tressesPine savannas and flatwoods.Se. SC south to s. FL, west to se. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes casei var. caseiNorthern Slender Ladies'-tressesDry sandy soils.NS to ON, south to nc. PA, MI, WI, and n. MN.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes cernuaNodding Ladies'-tressesBogs, swamps, ditches, usually in acidic, sphagnous situations.NS west to s. OH, MO, and OK, south to Panhandle FL and c. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes eatoniiEaton's Ladies'-tressesPine savannas, dry to moist pine flatwoods, submesic longleaf pine sandhills.Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes floridanaFlorida Ladies'-tressesWet pine savannas, other moist sites.Se. NC south to sc. peninsular FL and west to TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes igniorchisFire Ladies'-tressesSeasonally wet acidic and calcareous grasslands (typically on Basinger and Felda soil series).Endemic to c. peninsular FL.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes incurvaMoist to saturated situations.NB, ON, and MN south to MA, PA, OH, s. IN, s. IL, c. MO and s. KS.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes lacera var. gracilisSouthern Slender Ladies'-tressesFields, meadows, pastures, woodlands.ME, MI, WI, and KS south to GA and TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes lacera var. laceraNorthern Slender Ladies'-tressesClearings, openings.NS and NB west to SK, south to sw. NC, w. VA, TN, and MO. The occurrence of this species in NC is documented by a specimen at DUKE, collected at 5200 feet elevation on Tusquitee bald.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes laciniataLace-lip Ladies'-tressesPond cypress depressions and savannas, swamps, maritime wet grasslands, lake margins.NJ south to s. FL and west to se. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes longilabrisGiant Spiral Orchid, Longhorn Ladies'-tressesWet pine savannas.Se. NC south to s. FL and west to e. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes lucidaShining Ladies'-tressesSunny seepage over amphibolite, limestone, or other basic rock, moist banks and shores.NS and ON south to NC, e. TN, sc. TN (Chester et al. 1993), c. AL, MO, and KS. The species was reported for NC by Fernald (1950) and by Small (1933), but was not treated by RAB; its occurrence in NC was verified in 1992 by its discovery in a seepage area in Ashe County.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes magnicamporumGreat Plains Ladies'-tressesGrassy barrens and glades over limestone (or other calcareous rocks) or serpentine.Primarily in the Great Plains, from ND south to TX, east (often as widely disjunct populations) to sw. ON, NY, se. PA, sw. VA (Ludwig 1999), KY, w. TN (Jones 2006), and nw. GA.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes niklasiiIn a diversity of habitats.Endemic to AR and OK (Ouachita Mountains, Boston Mountains, and Crowleys Ridge). Should be looked for in n. LA and ne. TX.
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes ochroleucaYellow Nodding Ladies'-tressesMeadows and pastures at moderate to high elevations, up to at least 1500m in elevation.Largely northeastern, extending south in the mountains and Interior Low Plateau to w. NC, nw. SC, e. TN, and c. TN.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes odorataFragrant Ladies'-tresses, Marsh Ladies'-tressesSwamps and marshes, floodplain forests, often emergent from ponded water at the time of flowering in Taxodium and Nyssa swamps.Se. VA south to FL and west to se. TX; disjunct in c. NY (Onondaga County; McMullen et al. 2021).image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes ovalis var. erostellataOval Ladies'-tressesSwamp forests, bottomland forests, hammocks, ravine forests.Var. erostellata is fairly widespread in se. North America, ranging from sc. PA, NY, MI, and IL south to Panhandle FL, s. MS, s. LA, and e. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes ovalis var. ovalisOval Ladies'-tressesSwamp forests, mesic ravines.GA, TN, AR, and TX, south to n. peninsular FL, LA, and e. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes parksiiNavasota Ladies-tressesPost oak savannas.Endemic to e. TX (Bastrop, Brazos, Burleson, Fayette, Freestone, Grimes, Jasper, Leon, Limestone, Madison, Milam, Robertson, and Washington counties).image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes praecoxGrass-leaved Ladies'-tresses, Giant Ladies'-tressesPine savannas, swamps, bogs.A Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic: NY (Long Island, ?), NJ (?), DE (?), MD (?), south to s. FL and west to TX. The more northern occurrences have been questioned as to identification.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes romanzoffianaHooded Ladies'-tressesSwamps, bogs, shores.NL west to AK, south to nw. PA, n. OH, n. IN, c. IL, IA, NE, n. NM, AZ, and s. CA.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes sheviakiiOld Field Ladies'-tressesAcidic, dry-mesic successional habitats, old fields, barrens, thickets, dry-open woodland bluffs, ravine-rims.C. NY and s. ON west to sw. MI and ne. IL, south to n. AK, east to KY/TN and s. OH.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes sylvaticaWoodland Ladies'-tresses, Pale Green Ladies'-tressesPine-oak forests and woodlands, dry oak-hickory forests, live oak hammocks, interdune swales, rich dry forests, other woodlands.VA south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes tortaSouthern Ladies’-tresses, Rockland Ladies’-tressesPine rocklands, marl prairies, pine flatwoods.S. FL; West Indies; s. Mexico and Central America.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes trilobaPanther Ladies'-tressesPine flatwoods and calcareous Florida prairies.FL Panhandle south to s. FL, primarily along the west coast of the peninsula. Restricted to FL.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes tuberosaLittle Ladies'-tresses, Little Pearl-twistIn a wide variety of habitats, especially relatively well-drained woodlands and fields, longleaf pine sandhills, dry hammocks, dry pine flatwoods.MA, OH, and MO south to c. peninsular FL and TX.image of plant
OrchidaceaeSpiranthes vernalisSpring Ladies'-tressesPine savannas, bogs, marshes, fairly dry fields.MA to s. FL and west to TX and SD; West Indies; Mexico and Central America.image of plant