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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeTaenidia integerrimaYellow PimpernelIn rocky, dry to dry-mesic forests and woodlands over mafic or calcareous rock, such as diabase, amphibolite, calcareous siltstone, calcareous shale, or limestone.QC, ON, MN, and SD south to c. GA, AL, MS, LA, and TX.image of plant
ApiaceaeTaenidia montanaMountain Pimpernel, Shale-barren PimpernelShale barrens and rocky woodlands over shale, greenstone, calcareous sandstone, and other calcareous and mafic rocks.A Central Appalachian endemic: w. VA and e. WV north to w. MD and sc. PA.image of plant