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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeTagetes erectaCommon Marigold, African Marigold, Aztec Marigold, Big MarigoldCommonly cultivated, rarely persistent or as a waif.Native of Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeTagetes lucidaSweet-scented MarigoldDisturbed areas.Native of Mexico and Central America.
AsteraceaeTagetes minutaMuster John HenrySandy fields, pecan orchards, sandy roadsides.Native of South America.image of plant
AsteraceaeTagetes patulaFrench MarigoldCommonly cultivated, rarely persistent or as a waif.Native of Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeTagetes pusillaLesser MarigoldWaif on ore piles.Native of Central America and South America.

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