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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeTephrosia ×intermedia
FabaceaeTephrosia ×varioforma
FabaceaeTephrosia angustissimaNarrowleaf Hoary-peaPinelands, coastal scrub.Endemic to s. FL.
FabaceaeTephrosia chrysophyllaSprawling Goat's-rueLongleaf pine sandhills.E. GA s. to s. FL, and west to s. MS.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia cinereaAshen Hoary-peaDisturbed areas, presumably only a waif.Native from Mexico to South America and the West Indies. Reported from a 19th century ballast collection from Mobile, AL.
FabaceaeTephrosia corallicolaCoral HoarypeaPine rocklands.S. peninsular FL; West Indies (Cuba).image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia curtissiiCurtiss’s HoarypeaMesic flatwoods, coastal strands.S. peninsular FL.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia floridaFlorida Hoarypea, Florida Goat’s-ruePine savannas and other pinelands.E. NC south to s. FL, west to se. LA, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia hispidulaSprawling HoarypeaPine savannas and other pinelands.E. NC (se. VA?) south to c. peninsular FL, west to se. LA, a Southeastern Coastal Plain endemic. Fernald (1950) reported this species from se. VA.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia lindheimeriLindheimer's TephrosiaSandy soils.C. TX south to s. TX and TAM.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia mohriiDwarf Goat's-rueLongleaf pine sandhills, dry pine flatwoods.GA and westward to s. AL in the East Gulf Coastal Plain.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia mysteriosaLake Wales Ridge HoarypeaYellow-sand longleaf pine sandhills.Endemic to c. peninsular FL on the Lake Wales and Mount Dora ridges (Polk, Highlands, Marion, and Lake counties).
FabaceaeTephrosia onobrychoidesDry pinelands.S. AL, n. AR, e. OK, south to s. LA, and sc. TX.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia potosinaEdwards Plateau Hoary-peaEdwards Plateau, TX, in the Balcones Escarpment transition, and possibly in the Flora region.
FabaceaeTephrosia purpureaFishpoisonChrome or piles, as a waif.Native of the Old World tropics.
FabaceaeTephrosia rugeliiRugel’s HoarypeaLongleaf pine sandhills.Ne. and Panhandle FL (Jefferson County) south to s. FL.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia seminoleSeminole Hoary-peaPinelands.Known from only a single collection, the type specimen, from Hendry County, FL (P.P. Sheehan s.n.).image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia spicataSpiked HoarypeaLongleaf pine sandhills, dry oak and oak-pine woodlands and savannas.S. DE south to s. FL, west to w. LA, north in the interior to se., sc., and sw. TN and se. KY. (POWO 2024) maps this species as also occurring in Cuba, on an unknown basis.image of plant
FabaceaeTephrosia virginianaVirginia Goat's-rue, Devil's Shoelaces, Virginia Hoarypea, Catgut, Dolly Varden, Rabbit's-peaLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry or dryish pinelands, xeric and/or rocky oak and oak-pine woodlands and forests, rock outcrops, shale barrens and other barrens, dry roadbanks. "Under grazing the plant soon disappears" (Great Plains Flora Association 1986).S. NH west to WI, se. MN, and c. KS, south to c. peninsular FL, c. TX, and nw. TX.image of plant