8 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeThelesperma ambiguumOpen areas on limestone.Nc. TX and NM south to c. and s. TX, and south into Mexico.
AsteraceaeThelesperma burridgeanumBurridge's GreenthreadSands.Sc. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeThelesperma filifolium var. filifoliumStiff GreenthreadPrairies, glades, and roadsides over calcareous substrates.AR and OK south to w. LA, s. TX, w. TX, and Mexico (NLE, QRO, SLP); disjunct eastward in the Black Belt of MS and on a chalk bluff in Sumter County, wc. AL (Keener 2009).image of plant
AsteraceaeThelesperma filifolium var. intermediumPrairies, roadsides, disturbed areas.W. MO, SD and e. WY south to c. TX, NM, e. AZ, and n. Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeThelesperma flavodiscumEast Texas Greenthread, Yellow-disk GreenthreadPinelands, sandy oak forests.Sw. AR and w. LA west to e. TX.image of plant
AsteraceaeThelesperma megapotamicumColorado Greenthread, Hopi Tea, Navajo Tea, Rayless ThelespermaSandy or rocky prairies and roadsides, disturbed areas.SD, WY, NM, and s. CA south to ne. TX, s. TX, NM, and Mexico.image of plant
AsteraceaeThelesperma nuecenseSouth Texas Greenthread, Rio Grande GreenthreadIn deep sands.S. TX.
AsteraceaeThelesperma simplicifoliumSlender GreenthreadWoodlands, prairies, and thornscrub.TX and NM south to n. Mexico (CHH, COA, DGO, JAL, NLE, SLP, TAM, ZAC).image of plant