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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SaxifragaceaeTiarella austrinaEscarpment FoamflowerMoist forests, cove forests, rock outcrops, well-drained bottomland forests.Southern Blue Ridge of sw. NC (south and west from the Asheville Basin), se. TN, nw. SC, and ne. GA; disjunct westwards in the Cumberland Plateau and Eastern Highland Rim of sc. TN (Franklin County) and n. AL (Jackson and Madison counties).image of plant
SaxifragaceaeTiarella cordifoliaPiedmont FoamflowerMoist forests, cove forests, rock outcrops, well-drained bottomland forests.Mainly Piedmont and upper Coastal Plain, sc. MD to ec. GA.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeTiarella nautilaSail-bearing FoamflowerMoist forests, cove forests, rock outcrops, well-drained bottomland forests.Extreme sw. NC (Cherokee County), extreme se. TN (Monroe & Polk counties) south to nc. GA.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeTiarella stoloniferaNorthern FoamflowerMoist forests, cove forests, rock outcrops, well-drained bottomland forests.Tiarella stolonifera is the most widespread component of the Tiarella cordifolia complex, and occupies the northern portion of the distribution of the complex: NS west to ON and WI, south to Mountains of VA, nw. NC (Asheville Basin and northwards), ne. TN (south and west to Morgan & Roane counties), KY, and s. OH.image of plant
SaxifragaceaeTiarella wherryiWherry's FoamflowerMoist forests, cove forests, rock outcrops, well-drained bottomland forests.Sc. KY south through c. TN to sw. GA, s. AL, and e. MS.image of plant