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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EuphorbiaceaeTragia amblyodontaDogtooth NoseburnThornscrub.S. TX west to se. AZ, south to n. Mexico (NCN, BCS, CHH, COA, NLE, SLP, SON, TAM, ZAC).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia betonicifoliaBetony NoseburnGlades and dry bluffs, prairies, dry, sandy woodlands.MO and KS south to w. LA and TX; disjunct eastward in KY, TN, and possibly AL (and apparently introduced in VA).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia brevispicaShortspike NoseburnPrairies, calcareous woodlands.Nc. TX (and possibly sc. OK and w. LA) south through TX to ne. Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia cordataHeartleaf NoseburnRocky calcareous woodlands, calcareous prairies.C. KY, s. IN to s. MO, south through c. TN, rarely to e. TN (Meigs County, in the Ridge and Valley Province) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), n. AL (Jackson Co.) (D. Spaulding, pers. comm.) to sc. and sw. GA, Panhandle FL, and e. TX.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia glanduligeraDry limestone soils, mesquital.S. TX south through e. and c. Mexico to n. Central America (Guatemala).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia ramosaCatnip NoseburnGrasslands, woodlands, disturbed areas.MO, s. NE, CO, UT, NV, and s. CA south to s. AR, TX, NM, AZ, and Mexico (BCN, CHH, COA, HGO, NLE, QRO, SLP, SON, TAM, VER).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia saxicolaFlorida Keys NoseburnPine rocklands.Endemic to s. FL (Miami-Dade and Monroe counties).image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia smalliiGulf Coast NoseburnLongleaf pine sandhills, other dry woodlands.Sw. GA south to c. peninsular FL, west to e. TX and sw. AR. Reports of T. betonicifolia from GA are based on misapplication of that name to material representing T. smallii.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia urensSoutheastern Noseburn, Wavyleaf Noseburn, Sandhill NoseburnLongleaf pine sandhills, sandy woodlands, pine rocklands, other dry woodlands.Se. VA south to s. FL and west to TX, mostly on the Coastal Plain, but ranging into the Piedmont and Mountains in NC, SC, GA, and AL.image of plant
EuphorbiaceaeTragia urticifoliaNettleleaf NoseburnDry woodlands and rock outcrops, particularly over mafic or calcareous rocks.Sc. VA west to n. AR, south to wc. peninsular FL, Panhandle FL, and c. TX.image of plant