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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
CyperaceaeTrichophorum alpinumAlpine ClubsedgeBogs (the habitat in our region not specifically known).Circumboreal, south in North America to (reportedly) e. NJ (Monmouth County), s. NY, s. MI, s. WI. c. MN, n. MT, n. ID, and BC. The NJ record is controversial.
CyperaceaeTrichophorum cespitosumDeergrass, Deerhair BulrushCliffs receiving fog/cloud deposition and seepage, mostly at high elevations, over amphibolite, granite, gneiss, or schist, notably at Grandfather Mountain, Roan Mountain, Mount LeConte, Whiteside Mountain, Chimney Rock. Further disjunct in Pickens County, SC and Rabun County, GA on similar, primarily north-facing, cliffs.A circumboreal tundra and alpine species, south in North America to the mountains of New England and fens in NY, and to n. IL, MN, montane UT, and OR, common in wet tundra and on alpine summits, disjunct (from NY) to about a dozen sites in the Southern Appalachians of w. NC, e. TN, nw. SC (Hill & Horn (1997; Hill 1999), and ne. GA (Jones & Coile 1988). The disjunct southern occurrences are certainly relicts of a more widespread distribution during the Pleistocene. Reported for South Carolina by Hill & Horn (1997) and Hill (1999); vouchered only from Pickens County. It also occurs similarly in Rabun County, GA.image of plant
CyperaceaeTrichophorum planifoliumBashful BulrushWoodlands, bluffs, forests.ME west to ON, south to sc. VA, e. WV, KY, OH, s. MO, and n. AR.image of plant

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