Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Lamiaceae | Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii | Bridges’-and-Orzell's Blue Curls, Lake Wales Ridge Blue Curls | Florida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills, scrubby flatwoods. | Central FL on Lake Wales, Bombing Range, and Winter Haven Ridges. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema coeruleum | Glade Blue Curls, False Pennyroyal | Shale barrens, outcrops of calcareous or mafic rock, diabase barrens, calcareous dry prairies, disturbed rocky areas. | VT and s. ON west to MN and NE, south to c. and w. NC, nc. SC, nw. GA, AL, MS, TX, and AZ. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema dichotomum | Common Blue Curls | Dry woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills and dry flatwoods, disturbed areas, roadsides, thin soils around rock outcrops. | ME, ON, QC, MI, and IA, south to c. FL and TX. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema floridanum | Florida Blue Curls | Maritime hammocks, maritime dunes, grasslands, and coastal scrub. | E. GA around the FL peninsula west to s. MS; Bahamas (Grand Bahama). | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema fruticosum | Bushy Blue Curls | Openings in mesic to xeric and maritime hammocks, upland mixed woodland. | Coastal MS and AL across the FL panhandle to ne. FL and se. GA, south to sw. peninsular FL. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema gracile | Flatwoods Blue Curls | Mesic to scrubby flatwoods, scrubby flatwoods-scrub ecotones. | Central to s. peninsular FL. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema hobe | Jobé Blue Curls, Hobe Mountain Blue Curls | Florida scrub. | Martin County, FL. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema latens | Hidden Blue Curls | Scrubby flatwoods, scrub. | Franklin County, FL. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema microphyllum | Small-leaf Blue Curls, Brooksville Ridge Blue Curls | Longleaf pine sandhill, Florida scrub. | "Big Bend" area and Brooksville Ridge of FL. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema nesophilum | Dune Blue Curls, Carolina Blue Curls | Dunes on barrier islands, vegetated with perennial grasses (especially Uniola paniculata), openings in maritime scrub. | Endemic to barrier islands from slightly north of Cape Hatteras, Dare County, NC south to North Island, Georgetown County, SC, north of Cape Romain. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema setaceum | Narrowleaf Blue Curls | Thin soils around rock outcrops, especially granite flatrocks, dry sandy soils of the Coastal Plain. | CT west to OH, south to FL and TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain. | 
Lamiaceae | Trichostema suffrutescens | Scrub Blue Curls | Florida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills. | Ne. FL (Clay County) south to s. peninsular FL. | 