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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaeTrichostema bridgesii-orzelliiBridges’-and-Orzell's Blue Curls, Lake Wales Ridge Blue CurlsFlorida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills, scrubby flatwoods.Central FL on Lake Wales, Bombing Range, and Winter Haven Ridges.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema coeruleumGlade Blue Curls, False PennyroyalShale barrens, outcrops of calcareous or mafic rock, diabase barrens, calcareous dry prairies, disturbed rocky areas.VT and s. ON west to MN and NE, south to c. and w. NC, nc. SC, nw. GA, AL, MS, TX, and AZ.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema dichotomumCommon Blue CurlsDry woodlands, longleaf pine sandhills and dry flatwoods, disturbed areas, roadsides, thin soils around rock outcrops.ME, ON, QC, MI, and IA, south to c. FL and TX.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema floridanumFlorida Blue CurlsMaritime hammocks, maritime dunes, grasslands, and coastal scrub.E. GA around the FL peninsula west to s. MS; Bahamas (Grand Bahama).image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema fruticosumBushy Blue CurlsOpenings in mesic to xeric and maritime hammocks, upland mixed woodland.Coastal MS and AL across the FL panhandle to ne. FL and se. GA, south to sw. peninsular FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema gracileFlatwoods Blue CurlsMesic to scrubby flatwoods, scrubby flatwoods-scrub ecotones.Central to s. peninsular FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema hobeJobé Blue Curls, Hobe Mountain Blue CurlsFlorida scrub.Martin County, FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema latensHidden Blue CurlsScrubby flatwoods, scrub.Franklin County, FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema microphyllumSmall-leaf Blue Curls, Brooksville Ridge Blue CurlsLongleaf pine sandhill, Florida scrub."Big Bend" area and Brooksville Ridge of FL.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema nesophilumDune Blue Curls, Carolina Blue CurlsDunes on barrier islands, vegetated with perennial grasses (especially Uniola paniculata), openings in maritime scrub.Endemic to barrier islands from slightly north of Cape Hatteras, Dare County, NC south to North Island, Georgetown County, SC, north of Cape Romain.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema setaceumNarrowleaf Blue CurlsThin soils around rock outcrops, especially granite flatrocks, dry sandy soils of the Coastal Plain.CT west to OH, south to FL and TX, primarily on the Coastal Plain.image of plant
LamiaceaeTrichostema suffrutescensScrub Blue CurlsFlorida scrub, longleaf pine sandhills.Ne. FL (Clay County) south to s. peninsular FL.image of plant